38 || the original douche bag

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REACHING THE dance, Finch and Libra hooked their arms together and walking inside, quickly finding their way to the punch table where Alaric is. Finch stood between the two males, a forced smile on her lips,

"Hey, Robin Hood." She greets, taking a cup of punch from Libra

"Finch." He smiles back, as she downs the contents in her cup, "Is it really that good?"

"I'm hoping it's spiked." She replied, and points to her face, "Then this smile will be real and I won't remember tonight."

"You wanna be buzzed while the big bad original runs around, searching for you might I add?" He hums, sipping his own drink

She shrugs, "Eh, let him come."

Libra arches a brow, "Why are you so calm?"

"I was tortured in my home for three days by the first boy I ever loved." She hums, swirling the drink in her hand, "The Original douchebag doesn't scare me."

Libra snorts and Alaric chuckles, "Creative name." The teacher remarks, making her grin at him

"You know me, those creative juices are always flowing."

The group shares a laugh and Finch allows her eyes to wander ─ right to her boyfriend's eyes. She blinks as he smiles lightly at her, offering her a wave. Finch sighs and looks away, downing her drink and passing it back to him. She muttered a quick explanation to the boys and walked towards Damon, who looked surprised as she stopped in front of him.

The witch clears her throat, "Hi."


"I don't like fighting, Damon. I really, really don't." She states, cutting right to the chase, "But I don't need nir do I want you to risk your life for mine. Klaus isn't gonna kill me, but he will kill Elena. Protect her and don't worry about me -- I'll be fine."

Damon's hands moved to hold her face in between them, thumb brushing against her cheek bone as he smiled softly, "What did I do to get such a selfless -- idiotic, but selfless -- girlfriend?" He teased, blue eyes boring into hers

"I dunno, you better find her and ask." She jokes back, heart swelling with love now that she was back in his arms

"Or I could.." He trails off, eyes dropping to her lips before back to her dark orbs, a brow arching ever so slightly to ask a question

She grins and pulls him closer to her, lips softly pressed against hers.

If there was one thing Finch knew well, it was that she would never be able to be mad at Damon for long.

Alaric and Libra watched from afar, the latter of the two grinning at the pair,

"I knew they would make up soon." He remarks, sipping his drink, "Finch can't stay mad at the people she loves for long."

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