12 || siblings, boyfriends, and smut

885 31 5


Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

FINCH TIREDLY pushed open her front door, yawning as she closed it behind her, kicking off her boots and sluggishly moves up the stairs as her brother appears at the top of them before her with a frown. She stops, her hand on the railing to look at him and sigh,

"Do I get an explanation or are you just gonna disappear again? If it's the second one hurry up and go because I'm in a lot of pain right now and I just want to go to bed." She huffed with tired eyes

Fawkes cleared his throat and hikes his bag further up his shoulder, "I'm just grabbing a few things and leaving."

Finch scoffs, walking up the rest of the stairs and shoving past her brother rather roughly, "Well, I'm going to bed. Lock the door when you leave."

"Finch -- "

"Listen if you're gonna say something other than why you're avoiding me then I dont want to hear it." She snapped, turning around to face him

He sighs and looks down and Finch shakes her head, "God, what did I even do?" She demands, "How did I piss you off?"

"I don't want to talk about it yet." Fawkes replies with a sigh,

"Shit, Fawkes!" She exclaimed, throwing up her hands, "You want to be mad at me and not tell me why, fine! But I'll give you something to be mad about!"

Finch stepped forward and shoved a finger into his chest, "Ive been seeing Damon."

Her brother's eyes widen and she smirks, "Tell our father I say hi when you get back there."

The girl turns and slams the door to her bedroom behind her, and locks it with a huff. Finch's shrugs out of her coat and tosses it onto a nearby chair before collapsing onto her bed with a sigh. She smiles to the ceiling before lacing her fingers together and locking her arms behind her head and closing her eyes.

"So we're seeing each other?" Damon smirks from the window seat

"Isn't that what's happening here or have I misread the situation?" She asks, her eyes still closed

Damon stands up and walks towards her, dropping onto the bed besides her, "Oh, it's what's happening here." He assures her, rolling onto his side and smiling at her

She opens her eyes and rolls to face him, "Good." She smiles, leaning forward to kiss him on lips quickly before pulling away.

Damon huffed and frowned at her, "That wasnt enough of a kiss."

She smirks and climbs out of the bed to grab her pajamas off the dresser, "Well i have to change."

POMPEII² [ completed ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang