epilogue part two.

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

FINCH ELISE Fletcher believed strongly in goodbyes. She thought everyone deserved a goodbye, no matter the situation, and when it came to family she was dead serious about goodbyes. Growing up like she did she learned family was important, someone that should be highly valued and always made a priority. And so she made her family a priority, always the one to keep it together.

Until she couldn't any more. Finch Fletcher was the glue to keep her family together, but that's not was kept their bits and pieces together─ glue doesn't work forever. No, it was their uncondtional love for one another that held them all together. So that no matter what happened they would always have one another, the Fletcher children, inseparable and loving.

Their loyalty to one another was unwavering, something that most families envied because there was no bond stronger than the one that held those three kids together. Finch, Fawkes and Phoenix had all suffered, yet with one another they could work past the suffering and move onto brighter horizon. The thought of losing one of them was so heartbreaking that they avoided it all together─ they never even talked about it.

There was never anything less than three children in that family and there never would be. Fawkes, Phoenix, Finch, they were so close that some people were almost sure they were glued at the hip. After their mother passed away, their was a few tears inbetween them but because of the loss of their aunt they wrre healed again. Family was family, and in the Fletcher clan it was something that you never ever underestimated. And you should never underestimate the love the Fletcher kids have for one another.

With snap of gloved fingers, her phone was turned onto speaker and floating in the air besides her, dialing Fawkes' number─ something she knew by heart already. Tears streaked down her face, cutting sharp trails down her cheeks. Her eyes were red and blotchy and every few seconds she was sniffling and wiping her cheeks with the back of her hands, turning the leather of her gloves a darker shade of black.

Static cut through the air and a urgent voice sang through the speaker, "Oh my god, Finch?" Her twin's voice broke and she almost unravelled right then

Her hands tightened around the steering wheel at the sound of her brother's broken voice, "Fawkes, Fawkes, are you at home?" Her voice was shaky and rough, giving away thay she was crying, "Are both of you home?"

"Yeah, yeah, Finny, we're home. Where are you?"

"I'm almost there," She promised shakily, blowing carelessly through a stop sign as she turned onto the road leading her home, "I'm like fourty seconds away."


"Fun? Fin? Is that Finch? Fawkes, gimme the phone!" There's a scuffle beyond the speaker as her foot presses a little harder on the gas, "Finch?" A breathless Phoenix gasps into the mic

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