47 || stubborn

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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

HER BODY felt like it was made of cement, no longer in pain, but heavy and hard to move. That's why she had yet to open her eyes. She wanted to, she wanted to move, to speak, to hug her brothers and cry, but she had no strength left. She knew the sun was rising, it's golden rays were burning through her eyelids and they appeared to be brighter than what she was used to.

She groaned lightly, head twisting away from the beams of light as her heavy arms lifted, shielding her face from the light.

"Can somebody close the blinds?" She croaked, voice unfamiliar to herself because of its rocky tone

Fawkes, who been sitting by her bed, shot to his feet quickly drawing the curtains shut and moving back to her,

"Hey there, Sleeping Beauty," He greeted jokingly as she forced her eyes open, meeting his red rimmed gaze

Her cold exterior melted away in milliseconds and her eyes changed from shards of black ice to melted choclate. She held her hand out to him and frowned deeply,

"He wanted me to tell you," She began, her ears picking up his fast beating heart, "That he loves you."

Fawkes stayed quiet, slowly lowering himself into the seat he had previously been in, his eyes never leaving his sister's. The pain in them was clear and it broke Finch's heart to see him so shattered.

"They're having the funerals soon." He mumbled, "I didn't know if you wanted to go, but I do."

Finch nodded, slowly forcing herself into a sitting position, "I wanna go. It's just Gemini and Jenna, right?" She didn't think she could handle it if anyone else died

"No," Her heart stopped, "John died too." Then it started again

"Oh." She sighed in relief and some pity

Yes, John Gilbert was an asshole dickwad, but she knew that some part of him has some goodness.

"How'd he did?"

"Sacrificed himself for Elena." Fawkes swallowed, eyes dropping to their intertwined hands, "To make sure she stayed alive if the potion Elijah brought didn't work."

The Original's name sparked her mind awake and panic engulfed her, "What happened? Did Klaus die? Did it work? I don't remember much of what happened." Her voice was fast, fear and worry thick on her voice, "Did he complete is transformation? Who killed him? Did he die?"

Fawkes looked at her, "No. He didn't die, Elijah didn't kill him. Something about how his family wasn't buried at sea." 

The witch hated to admit it, god, she really, really did─ but a part of her was glad that he didn't die. Another part was roaring it's evil head in anger, it wanted his blood spilt across the ground, paying for what he had done. Finch nodded, eyes conflicted as she looked down at her hands.

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