5 || some teen wolf shit

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HIS MIND wouldn't stop spinning, he couldn't believe what he was remembering as he lie on his bed. His once bright blue eyes were storming, full of a self loathe so deep he was drowning in it. Damon couldn't believe how unbelievably stupid he was. He should have known -- he should have realized.

How could he have not seen the signs? Noticed the truth that was so clearly there? How did he possibly miss this? And why didn't he remember this sooner?

Her words swam through his mind, making the vampire groan and press gospels into his eyes before pushing himself off of his bed and onto his feet. His shoes were still on as he pulled his jacket off a nearby chair, gripping it roughly as he stomped out of his house. He had something to do and it needed to be done now.

FINCH YAWNS, rolling over onto her stomach as she folds her arms beneath her pillow, burying her face into it as she closed her eyes

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FINCH YAWNS, rolling over onto her stomach as she folds her arms beneath her pillow, burying her face into it as she closed her eyes. Her body was aching and throbbing uncomfortably, the witch had downed at least three Tylenol and a few Melatonin to help her pass out.

There few days had been literal hell for her and she just wanted to sleep and forget about it all. Finch was tired, both mentally and physically and the pills in her system were easing the pain in her head as she drifted off into the beautiful dream world of her mind. She was unaware of the vampire that stood in her room, leaning against the window seat.

"How'd you do it?" He asked, startling her from the slumber she had almost reach

"The hell?" She muttered, rolling over to turn on her lamp, sitting up to glare at Damon, "It's midnight. Get out."

"Not until you tell me the truth." He says, moving over to flick on the bedroom light

Finch cringed at the sudden brightness, narrowing her eyes, "What are you talking about? Are you drunk?" She demanded sitting up right as her blanket fell back

"No, I'm disgustingly sober." The vampire replies, "How did you make me forget, Finch?"

"Forget what?"

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