43 || sleepy bird

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THE BLUE eyed stranger chuckled, taking a step closer to her. His moves weren't hostile or aggressive, instead they were calm and collected, as if he was speaking with an old friend. His eyes flickered between the twins and he spoke to them once more,

"I advise you listen to my suggestion, but I promise to bring you back to your brother unscathed─ other than the injuries that you will need for the ritual." His voice held a promise and Finch sighed

She looked at her brother, hand cupping his cheek she offered a small smile, "Tell Phee I'll be home around midnight. See if you can get him to make some mac and cheese." Finch pressed a kiss to his cheek, "Don't let anybody in my room and if you touch my Skittles, I'll kill you."

She offered him a wave and descended the steps, "Get inside, Fawkes."

Her brother hesitated, but she offered a slight nod and he prides his lips, turning on his heel and retreating into the home, probably still on the other side of the door, listening in.

Finch looked at the vampire before her, eyes moving up and down his body quickly. Her head tilted and she met his piercing blue eyes, familiarity wafted off of his presence and she straightened her posture.

"You're prettier than I pictured." She admitted, hands stuffed into the pockets of her coat, "I was thinking old man, but considering your brother is as hot as hell fire, I should have figured you would be to." Her voice was bored, and her eyes held an old exhaustion in them, one Klaus recognized because he saw it often in the mirror when he awoke

"Flattery will get you nowhere." He hummed and she shrugged

"I wasn't trying to flatter you." Her choclate eyes flickered to her house and she pressed her lips into a thin line, "My car or yours?"

Klaus turned, gesturing to the sleek park car parked on the side walk and she hummed, moving past him and pulling open the passenger side door and stepping inside. The vampire followed after her, stepping into the drivers side and she looked at him expectantly, hands on her thighs.


"Put your seatbelt on, little bird." He instructed her, putting on his own belt

"Don't call me that." She muttered, obeying his words

The older man didn't move the car until he heard the lock click and his hand effortlessly turned the wheel, pulling away from her home.

In all honesty, Finch had expected him to come, she expected him to take her away. She had thought she would have put up more of a fight, she thought she would have been more aggressive. Instead she just sat there, eyes closed as she leaned her head against the window. Some part of her wanted to fight, to scream, to get angry─ but she was so tired.

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