9. I Am Your Half-Brother

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Dedicated to nargles25 for being one of the very first readers and voter. Thank you.


Percy's pov

Percy was lost in a big city. When he woke up this morning, he had said his goodbyes and mist traveled to Philadelphia as close as he could to the place in his dream. After ten minutes of searching for the alleyway, he was lost in a crowd of busy people heading off to their workplaces.

He sighed. He had hoped that it could have been easy for once but then again when has his life ever been easy. He walked around the town making sure to check the shops to see if any of them looked familiar. So far, he had no leads. As he was passing a cafe, his stomach growled. He hadn't eaten any food since last night's dinner. He checked his bag and brought out some mortal money he had gotten from his time in the Brooklyn House.

He got in the cafe and ordered a blueberry milkshake and waffles. After getting the food, he went to the corner seat and sat down, hungrily gulping down the waffles and sipped his milkshake. It was heavenly. He got up and walked out more energized. Now he just had to find a way to locate Ari quickly.

Just then an idea struck him. He had practiced sensing water molecules in the air and the water particles in other beings in an area. If he used this, he may be able to single out Ari if he just got close enough.

He closed his eyes and concentrated and sent out his senses as far as he could. There were disturbances everywhere. Now, he tried to single out the ones that he could feel were half-bloods. Surprisingly, he found only three, and one of them he could sense was in his thirties which put him out of the question. So he tried to figure out the other two's location, which happened to be the same place. 

He hoped one of them was Ari. He followed his senses to the location, only to be met with a horde of empousai surrounding a worn-out Ari with a sword and another twelve-year-old boy holding up a bronze dagger. They were looking tired and dirty from living on the street. The empousai were clearly defeating them. 

"Hey, Kelli! How are you doing?" He yelled trying to pull their attention to him. 

They turned around just as he hoped to charge at him instead. "Perseusss Jacksson. You will diee today." 

He brought out riptide and slashed at the empousai, dodged their claws, and struck all of them down. "Have fun in Tartarus, Kelli."

He brushed all of the gold dust off of him and started making his way towards the kids who unfroze and reigned in their shocked expressions. Ari raised her sword towards him and the other boy gave him a suspicious gaze through narrowed eyes. "Who are you?" 

They were both looking at riptide in his hand which must have looked threatening since he just killed the empousai with it. H capped it and it shrunk the sword into a ballpoint pen. They looked at it in wonder. 

"I am Percy Jackson, and what are your names?" He asked.

The boy stared at him suspiciously," Why should we-" "My name is Arya and this is Taz," Ari interrupted her friend and introduced them with a ghost of a smile.

"Well, Taz and Arya I can take you somewhere safe from those monsters, where you can train to kill them yourselves. So, what do you say?" He offered.

They looked at each other and had a silent conversation. Ari then stepped forward and demanded," Why should we go with a stranger? You could be lying to get us kidnapped."

"That could be true." He conceded. "But let me explain a few things. How about I treat you both to brunch. It seems like you haven't had food in a while."

Their stomachs responded with a famished growl. They both turned away embarrassed. "Alright, we'll go with you as long as you pay for the food." 

Percy smirked. "Let's go then." He turned and headed towards the cafe he had eaten in the morning, only occasionally glancing back to make sure they were following. He led them to the corner bak seat and let them order what they wanted. Taz lifted his head with his mouthful and asked, "So what were you going to tell us?"

Percy laughed nervously, he never had to explain this to anyone before. "What do you know about the Greek gods?"

Ari perked up at this," You mean Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, and all the other Olympians? My mom used to tell me about all the greek myths as bedtime stories."

Taz frowned in confusion," What does that have to do with anything?"

"So do you have either of your parents absent like you have never met them?" He asked instead.

Taz shrugged, "I never met my mother." "And I have never seen my father," Ari chimed in.

"This may come off as unbelievable but you are demigods, half-bloods. The reason that empousai were attacking you and none of the mortals could see them was because you are children of gods. Greek gods to be specific. There are two camps, one greek and the other roman. These camps are safe havens from monsters where you can train to fight to protect yourself." He took a deep breath and continued, "I don't know about your parent Taz but I'm pretty sure I know who your father is, Arya." 

They both looked gobsmacked. But Arya recovered faster, "First of all, you can call me, Ari and second, who is my father, and how do you know?"

Now was the time of the truth. "Could you please hold out your hand?" She hesitantly did so. Taz looked interested to see what he was about to do. Her hand was littered with small scratches. Percy grasped a cup of water and poured it onto her hand. The scratches absorbed the water and started healing themselves. Ari gasped as her wounds started healing themselves. "Wh-How?" 

Percy let go of her hand and dramatically waved his hands and proclaimed," You are a daughter of Poseidon." He then waved his hand at the water, it flew up and filled the glass once more. "Let me reintroduce myself, I am Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon and now, your half-brother."

 The two kids' jaws dropped in shock. Whatever they were expecting him to say, this clearly wasn't it. Percy started laughing at their shocked faces. Oh, gods. He should've had a camera with him for blackmail material. He hadn't laughed this much since, he left camp. That thought sobered him up and sat up straighter.

They glared at him for laughing at them. "So how do we get to this camp?"

"Originally, my plan was to pick Ari up and mist travel her to the camp but with the addition of you, I don't think I will be able to mist travel you both and let me have enough energy to come back. So, we'll do this the old fashioned way, we will walk or call a cab if I find money anywhere,"he explained.

Taz narrowed his gazed at me. "How did you know Ari was here? And if you knew she was here, how come you didn't know I was here too? We have staying together for a week."

Percy ran his hand through his hair trying to come up with a good answer, " You see, demigods sometimes have dreams in which we can see the past, present or rarely the future. I had dreams about Ari being here and I had figured out that she was a demigod and my sister. So, I came to help her out but I did not see you in any of my dreams." 

Taz nooded as if it was an acceptable answer. Ari studied him, deep in thought and spoke," Earlier you said that you would've dropped me off and come back. What did you mean?"

Percy thought back to when he'd said it. It was true enough. "That little sis is a story for another day." He stood up and held out his hand to her. She grabbed it and pulled herself up. Taz also got up and made his way out of the cafe. 

Now they just need to make their way towards camp half-blood without running into too much trouble. Then again, that might be impossible as he is a magnet for trouble with two other kids who don't seem to trust him very much.

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