1. Back to Camp Half-Blood

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The war against Gaia had ended. The seven had finally taken a much-needed break from all the questing after Leo's return from touring the world with Calypso. Percy grabbed his backpack and went downstairs. His mom was making breakfast pancakes. Paul was sitting at the table, reading a newspaper. Everything was unnervingly peaceful, like the calm before the storm. But Percy pushed aside these thoughts.

"Morning mom, Paul", he greeted each of them. Sally smiled at her son and served the fresh blue pancakes. "You must be excited to see Annabeth again. She stayed at Camp while you came here didn't she?"

"Yeah, said something about helping rebuild and getting more demigods to camp."

He gobbled the last of his pancakes and ran towards the door. It had been almost two months since he had been there. Though he and Annabeth had IM'ed every week, it just wasn't the same anymore. She was also getting more distant every time he called or maybe it was all just in his mind.

"Be Safe Percy. Don't be unnecessarily reckless."

He gave them a cheeky grin and winked. "C'mon mom, when have I ever been reckless." They just shook their heads. "Anyway, I'll keep in touch. Bye."

He closed the door behind him and started making his way to Long Island. He was excited to see the people at camp again. They lost a lot of good people in the war. Hopefully, this will give the gods a wake-up call and start paying attention to their children instead of just sitting idly on their thrones all day and bickering like premature kids. He thought back to the award ceremony on Olympus after the war had ended. It was a good start to appreciate the demigods.


Olympus was just as grand and magnificent as ever. Piper, Leo, and the Romans were all wide-eyed, taking in their surroundings. It was their first time here. Then twelve bright lights flashed on the thrones. Everyone in the room closed their eyes as the lights blinded them. After the light show was over, they could see the twelve Olympians.

Everyone got on their knees and bowed. "Rise demigods." Zeus roared for a dramatic effect. "Today we shall celebrate our victory against Gaia. All the cabin counselors and the praetors on New Rome, step forward." They looked at each other and stepped forward together.

"You have shown great courage and risked your lives for the good of many. We will grant the cabin counselors and the Praetor half immortality if you accept." Whispers and gasps echoed throughout the throne room. "The gods have never done this before....", "Who wouldn't accept....", "I wonder what drink Mr. D is drinking....."

Will Solace and Reyna said in unison," We accept."

Zeus nodded and shot a beam of bright light towards them. A golden aura surrounded them.

"Now for the crew of Argo II, we offer you the Gift of full immortality and slightly increased powers, if you accept. Jason Grace, come forward."

Jason stepped ahead with an air of confidence. "I accept your gift." Zeus's form flickered and turned into his roman form, Jupiter. He shot another beam of light at Jason. Jason's knees buckled and he fell to the ground. When the transformation was over, he felt invincible, like he could take anything. That wasn't true though he could still fade.

Just like that, everyone else on the Argo II stepped forward and accepted the full immortality from their godly parent till the only one left was Percy. "Percy Jackson, for your assistance in both wars, we are willing to grant you Godhood...again. Will you accept it?" Gasps of disbelief were heard from everyone. Percy looked at all of his friends. Almost all of them were now immortal, even Annabeth. Annabeth was the reason, he declined Godhood the first time but now she is also immortal. He was hurt that she didn't think of him when she accepted the gift but he understood that she couldn't decline something she aimed for all her life. But there is only one thing he could do.

" I have to decline, Lord Zeus. But I do have two other wishes that you could grant. I promise that they aren't out of your reach." The Gods contemplated this request. They had a feeling that he would decline, so why not grant his wishes. "We will grant your wishes, Perseus if you accept at least half-immortality."

Percy hesitated only for a moment. "I accept those terms."

"My first wish is for Lord Hades and Lady Hestia to once again have a place in the Olympian Council." Zeus nodded and signaled to Hephaestus. Two enormous thrones appeared across each other. One was a warm red and yellow throne and the other radiated darkness, it was made of bones and the souls of the damned.

In consecutive flashes of light indicated the two gods with surprised faces. They both sat on their newly made thrones. Hestia looked to Percy as only he could've thought such a wish and mouthed, "Thank you". Hades merely nodded in thanks but his eyes shined with appreciation.

"My second wish is to have a portal or tunnel to join the two camps so that traveling between them will be easier." Cheers rang through both camps.

The gods nodded, "Done. Now, Percy Jackson, it is your turn." Poseidon shot a beam towards his son. The transition was so mesmerizing that no one noticed the specks of black n his eyes.

-flashback ends-

Percy could see Thalia's tree now. He shook out of his heads and ran towards the top of Half-Blood Hill. He could see Peleus's sleeping form. He gently pets his head and started walking towards the cabins. The construction of various new cabins and shrines of minor gods and goddesses was in progress, courtesy of Jason Grace. Percy wondered where he might be right now. It would be good to catch up after he found Annabeth.

He saw two figures walking towards him. One, he could discern was Annabeth, talking with the other figure animatedly and the other was a boy who had red hair and was studying the cabins. He ran towards them and hugged Annabeth. She pulled away too quickly for his liking.

"Percy, you're back." She said with a slightly strained smile. He let it go, thinking it was just stress.

"Yeah, who's this?" Percy turned towards the boy.

The boy puffed his chest and crossed his arms like he should have already known his name. "My name is Xavier Minc. I am the son of Ares. I killed a hell hound on my own on my first day. Who are you?"

Percy was impressed though he wasn't very fond of the children of Ares, killing a hell hound was impressive. "My name is Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. Nice to meet you." He held out his hand but Xavier ignored it started walking towards the lake. Annabeth followed him. "I'll see you later, Percy."

That was the fateful day of his first encounter with Xavier Minc. Things only went downhill after that.

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