20. The Universe is Somewhat Racist

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Planet 76, Mori

Percy / Rimor's pov 

[A/N: I am going to be referring to Percy as Rimor or any other of his alias when he is in that character. Just saying so that you don't get too confused.]

Rimor was certain that traveling with the compass teleporter is worse than a portal. It is like an outside force is squishing and stretching his body in every direction one second and the next second you are falling face-first into the dirt on a different planet. He got up with shaky legs and groaned. He wiped the dirt off of him and looked around to see that he was in the middle of a wasteland. He could see an archway of sorts in the north a few miles away. 

"Oz, which planet is this?"

"This is the planet Mori. A nomad's planet, mainly housing peaceful outcasts. Many merchants and traders also come here to replenish their supplies and meet with other merchants and traveling traders of the universe. Not many permanent civilians stay here around the year. Due to so many different species visiting, the people are not kept track of."

"Not keeping track of people, huh? What do the people born here look like?"

Oz sent the image of what a standard male born on Mori would look like through his head.

Rimor adjusted the hood on his face so it covered all of his face and checked to see if anyone was watching. After making sure no one was indeed watching from the shadows, his features began to change. His skin turned to an olive shade, his chin had more of an edge now. His turned completely aqua blue. His eyes turned emerald green.

Hopefully, this was the last time he had to change his features because soon enough he won't' remember what he looked like if he had to change it after a couple of years. He sighed and flicked off his hood and removed his cloak and stuffed it into his backpack. He then started making his way toward the archway. It didn't take too long to reach there. It was also easier for him to breathe here than on Serra.  He wasn't even out of breath when he reached the archway. The archway was beautiful, the carving and inscriptions on it were alien to Percy but it looked like something out of Ancient Greece.

He entered the small town like civilization. It was bustling with all kinds of species of people. Merchants were lined up in their temporary carts to trade with others. Almost all of them looked like they came from a different planet. Rimor spotted a small shop with a sign that said 'Woz's Healing Potions'.

He headed there and looked around the seemingly empty shop. "Um...hello?" he called out. There was a presence, he just couldn't see the person. Suddenly, a blop of ginger hair came up from under a table. The man looked old, he had wrinkles beside his eyes and he wore round spectacles. His complexion was fair but crinkled. He was short like a goblin.

"A customer!" the man whose name tag said 'Woz' exclaimed.

"Uh... Yes. What kind of healing potions are those?" He gestured vaguely at the shelves of potion bottles. Knowing every language out there did not mean he could also write or read those languages especially with his dyslexia.

Instead of answering his question, Woz asked, "Are you going to pay with money, or are you a trader?" Rimor assumed that being a trader that he will trade some of his goods for the potions. 

"No, I will pay the money." Woz seemed satisfied with that answer and listed all of the potions on the shelves. "We have skincare potion, these potions would heal minor cuts if applied, these ones will hear major cuts and stop the bleeding, the green bottled potions are for minor illnesses and the other ones are for severe illnesses." He pointed to each potion rack as he listed what they did. 

Rimor considered for them for a moment. "I'll take two of each." 

Woz looked surprised, "Are you sure? That will be very expensive." Rimor nodded in confirmation. "Yes." 

Woz picked up all the potions in a wooden chest and Rimor plopped it inside his backpack and gave the correct amount of money. "Do you know how I can purchase a house here?" 

Woz looked at him suspiciously, "Weren't you born on this blasted planet?" Rimor then remembered that he looked like a citizen born here and came up with a quick lie. "I was born on the other side of the planet and my parents were traders, we used to move around quite a lot," he answered smoothly.

"Were?" he asked sympathetically. "They are dead now," Rimor said acting sad. Woz's eyes shined with pity as he solemnly said, "May the stars watch over their souls." 

"May the stars watch over their souls," Rimor repeated, guessing that it was some sort of tradition. 

Woz gave him a smile and said, "You can find a building past the residencies called 'Shops and Homes'. They handle almost all of the houses and shops in the market." Rimor thanked the short shopkeeper and made his way to the building that he had talked about. 

 It wasn't very impressive. It was a plain white building with a sign painted on top. Rimor did not know what he was expecting but it wasn't this. There were a few other people lingering in there. Rimor made a beeline towards the reception desk. 

It was difficult to describe the......lady? sitting there. Her complexion was light pink with bright pink hair. She was quite short yet slim. Her eyes were midnight blue. She also had translucent pink wings like a fairy. 

Is she a fairy? Do fairies even exist?

She is part fae. Fae folk are often mistaken for fairies. Rimor involuntarily jumped from the sudden appearance of Oz's voice in his mind. The scroll sprit had not been speaking much for the last year or so. His jump alerted the half-fae girl to his presence there. When she looked up and saw him, she looked a bit annoyed and asked, "Can I help you?"

"Ah....yes, I want to purchase a house in this town." If she is only half-fae what is she in the other half?

She is half-fae and half pixie. A hybrid, born of an inter-planetary relationship. Inter-planetary relationships are shunned by many in the universe and the children of those are outcasted by both planet's clans.

"That's unfair," he murmured under his breath but the girl heard him as she raised an eyebrow but let it go. "There are only two vacant houses for purchase available. One is a one-story house, in the middle of town with two rooms, two washrooms, a cookery and the sitting area. The other is on the outskirts of town near the marsh and forest regions. It is a two-story house with two rooms, a sitting area, one washroom, cookery, and a fireplace," she said in a bored tone.

"What are their costs?" Rimor did not have too much money left. After this, he should go job hunting. She took out a green folder and checked the papers, then looked up to answer him again, "The one in town will cost 20 drachmas while the one in the outskirts will cost 10 drachmas. "

Rimor instantly bought the one in the outskirts. No need to waste money where he can help it. He did the paperwork required with fake credentials and received the keys to the house and the address. He went into an abandoned alleyway and quickly mist traveled to the house. It was big, not big enough to be a mansion but big. The walls were a little drab and the colors seemed off. It looked kind of abandoned. The fae pixie had informed him that though the furniture may have dust on it, it had all of the essentials. He shouldered his backpack and entered his new home. 

Time to start a new adventure.

In the meantime, he just has to clean off these monster spiderwebs all over the house.  

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