2. Betrayal and Heartbreak

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A month later,

A lot can change in a month. A month ago, he was known as a hero of Olympus but now no one seems to respect him except a select few.

He didn't know what happened exactly. They ignored him, accused him of things he didn't do. Even Annabeth.....oh, Annabeth, she just took him to the beach one day. Then she said something that echoes in his mind almost every day.

"Percy, I just think that we aren't good together anymore. I think we should take a break from each other. It's not like I don't love you, I do but there is just a voice in my head." She tried to explain more but Percy wasn't listening. Her voice was wavering with emotion.

He could hear his heartbeat thumping in his ears. He wanted to just plug my ears and pretend it was a dream. A stupid, horrifying, unreal nightmare but it wasn't. His heart was shattering into pieces but he kept his tears at bay.

" A-After everything we've gone through together, everything I did for you? H-How could you say that?"

She shook her head. "I don't think we are right for each other anymore Perce. I think we should stay away from each other for a while, kay?"

Without hearing his response, she turned and walked away. Percy's knees buckled and my tears fell freely. He cried on the beach that night.

Since he was brought into this messed-up world of mythology, Annabeth had always been a constant. His the one. They fought side by side through everything.

Could this really be how it ends? Could this really be the end of their relationship? Would she at least stay his friend or would she buy into the rumors and turn against him as well?

So many thoughts swirled in his mind and his stomach churned. He then locked himself in his cabin for days. No one cared except Nico, Jason, Piper, and Leo anyway and Nico was in the underworld helping his uncle Hades and Leo was with calypso in bunker nine most of the time, and Jason and Piper, well, though they do try to include him, they were busy. They have their own lives to worry about without the added burden of his petty problems.

Hazel and Frank had returned to Camp Jupiter and Grover was doing his duties as the Lord of the Wild.

Overall, he was alone in his pain of the loss of the love of his life and it seems like the breakup didn't affect her much at all. He should be grateful that she isn't hurting like he is because goddamn, it hurts so much but, anger boiled within him instead as he saw her smiling and laughing with the others like all was right in the world when his world had just come crashing down.

A week after he got out of his depressing cabin, he was met with hateful, resentful glares. Nobody believed him when he said that he hadn't done what they accused him of. The only ones who did were Jason, Piper, Leo, Calypso, Clarisse, and the Aphrodite Cabin since most of them could sense my emotions and because Piper had convinced them of it.

The galloping hooves brought him out of his thoughts. Chiron came up to him. "Percy, my boy, it has seemed that the gods have summoned you to Olympus." He sounded worried.

"Fine, I'll go." To be honest, Percy was scared. He had never been summoned alone. He hoped that whoever was framing him here didn't get to the gods too.

At Olympus

The Olympians were having a meeting about a certain very powerful demigod.

Zeus called the meeting to order and instructed Hermes to tell Chiron that Percy Jackson is summoned to Olympus. " We are here to decide the fate of Perseus Jackson. A source has informed me that he is accused of being a traitor to Olympus and by helping Gaia in the last war."

Chaos broke out among them. Poseidon denied it completely. "My son has done no such thing. He saved us from Gaia. You cannot accuse him of such a thing."

Ares agreed with Zeus with a maniacal grin. "I knew that punk was too powerful on his. He must have gained more power from Gaia. I bet that's how he and that girl got out of Tartarus."

Athena was outraged at what Ares said. "My daughter did not betray Olympus. How dare you accuse her of such a thing! I have never liked that sea scum anyway, it'd be wise to just kill him now that they are no longer together."

Aphrodite wiping her tears with a tissue. "They were the perfect couple. The heartbreak I felt from Perseus could only have come from true love. I wonder what happened to Annabeth to do such a thing."

"Enough!" Zeus thundered. "We have to come to a final decision before he arrives."

"Don't worry Father. My hunters can track that boy down from anywhere." Artemis promised.

Zeus snapped his fingers and attack plans of Camp Half-Blood appeared floating in the air. "These plans were found from under Perseus's bunk by one of the campers. They tell of how he meant to betray Olympus and our children." Gasps were heard from some of them.

Athena stated, "Even if he didn't have these plans, the campers distrust him. He has been accused of many things in the last month. He is also getting stronger every day. He nearly faded Akhlys in Tartarus using her poison against her. He is becoming a danger to us. We must eliminate him."

Poseidon paled a considerable amount and slumped into his throne. Ares's eyes glinted in happiness to get rid of the puny demigod that had humiliated him.

Hephaestus shook his head in disappointment and continued building a contraption in his lap.

Hestia was silently fuming at the audacity of the other gods to just throw away the greatest demigod to exist.

Hera looked torn on the decision of who to support. Demeter was twirling her scythe in boredom. Dionysis looked to be asleep on his throne.

Hades's face was void of any emotion like always. Artemis was studying the plans that a camper had supposedly found under Perseus's bed. Hermes tapped his feet nervously while Apollo tried to find the truth but looked like he was failing.

Zeus considered the idea. "Perseus is becoming a threat to us and is a traitor to Olympus. We must send him to the depths of Tartarus as punishment. We shall pass a vote. Who believes him to be innocent?"

Only six hands were raised. They were Poseidon, Hestia, Hephaestus, Hermes, Aphrodite, and Hades. "All who agree to sentence him to Tartarus?"

Seven gods raised their hands other than the six who had voted against Zeus, and Dionysis who was asleep. "The decision has been made. Perseus Jackson will be sentenced to the pits of Tartarus for life!" Thunder echoed in the sky.

"Poseidon, you cannot help your son from this fate unless you are ready to fight a war and your forces are weakened from the war. You will lose." Poseidon was brimming with anger but there was truth in what his brother had said. He was weakened in the last war. He flashed away to his palace when he realized there was nothing he could do for his favorite son. He hoped Perseus would understand why he couldn't blatantly help him. There was much to be done. Just because he cannot aid his son doesn't mean others could not.

Unbeknown to the gods in the throne room, the demigod whose fate was decided had heard much of the conversation and was running for his life far from Olympus. Preferably never to return to this treacherous land.

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