29. Stranded

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A/N:  Sorry for the very late update but I had my exams and couldn't write anymore. Also, the updates from now on will be extremely slow. This year is very important for my future so, I need to focus more on my studies. And thank you for all the support on this story. This is very unexpected for my very first fanfiction story.  Read on- and Enjoy!

4 months later, 

Rimor's pov,

Rimor can admit that this was not supposed to happen at all. One minute his ship was entering the atmosphere range of Planet Regulia and the next, the left-wing engine short-circuited, and asteroids hit the lower surface in such a fury that he could not outmaneuver the Atman out of their way. 

He steered the Atman out of the asteroid's path and shut off the left-wing engines lest they catch on fire. The red alarms were still blaring because they might have gotten past the asteroids but this ship is going to crash land on Regulia. "Skia, Regina change your forms, we have crash land here," he called out. 

Both then turned into dust and formed into tattoos on his arms. The only way Regina could fit in this ship was by changing her size to look like a hatchling. A soon as both of them settled, he strapped himself into the seat and the ship began to fall, the lower engine rumbled in pressure. He quickly shut off the stabilizers and gripped his hands on the steering wheel. He could see the ground coming closer and closer. 

Just as the ship was about to crash head-on, he activated both wing engines and the added boost gave it enough power to land safely on the ground. 'BOOM' he cursed, there goes the engine. He swiftly unstrapped himself and ran out of the ship to look at the damage.  The entire wing was on fire. 

He concentrated on the water molecules in the air which fortunately for him was abundant and clustered them together and pouring the water over the burning engine. The fire soon extinguished but the smoke was still coming. 'At this rate, it won't be long before someone finds it,' he thought. 

The damage to the ship was a lot and he would have to spend some time to repair it. A sense of dread filled him. He wanted to visit this planet because he was curious about it. He had found out that all contact to other planets was stopped a few years back and those who venture out to Regulia mysteriously never seem to return. It had caught his attention and he had ventured onto this part of the universe. Now he wondered whether the asteroids were a coincidence or were they kept there to deter others because it was illegal to do that. That is supposed to be a safe path to enter the planet, a rule made by Chaos himself. 

He wondered offhandedly if this planet has caught the big guy's attention yet or not because usually, Chaos would send his scouts and army to check things out if there was something amiss in one of the planets of his sector from the research he did. 

Rimor took one last look at the Atman and sighed. He turned to the sounds of the bustling people and walked towards it hoping to find civilization or a city.

He stumbled out of the bushes and his feet landed on the concrete ground. The sky was an odd shade of gray, the people kept walking around him. The people themselves had varying shades of orange and red skin. They wore drab clothes and almost no ornaments at all. There was an aura of sadness coming from them. Such hopelessness made his heartache in a way only the champion of the hearth and hope could feel.

The Regulisians only gave him wary looks and some just kept their heads down and walked on. He shouldered his backpack and looked around for someone who could help him understand what was happening here. 

"Please, I will have the coin tomorrow. The late date is till noon on the morrow,"  he heard a feminine voice insisting desperately. He turned around to look at where the voice had come from. He could see an elderly woman arguing with a man twice her height. He had dark red skin and raven black hair tied up in a bun with two slim red antennae poking out of his hair. He was wearing a vest and thin armor that pointed him out to be a soldier.  

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