7. Explanation and Acceptance

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Percy's pov


Sadie had a shocked and surprised look on her face. Her wand rolled towards Percy's bed from where she dropped it. He stifled a laugh at her face. The other boy beside her was just looking plain confused. Percy remembered that he was the one who had found him after fighting the chimera. He must have been a magician. 

Percy picked up a glass of water from the counter beside him and drank it all. He felt a lot more refreshed and energetic. He climbed out of the bed, stood beside it, and gave a mock bow to the boy. "Hello. Thanks for bringing me here. I am Percy Jackson. Nice to meet you." Percy held out his hand. 

The boy slowly raised his hand shook his. His grip was strong yet gentle. "My name is Walt Stone. I'm thinking you already know Sadie." He motioned towards her frozen state and gripped her hand. She came out of her shock with a red tint in her cheeks. The way they stood so close to each other made Percy think they were a couple or at least working towards it. 

Sadie cleared her throat. "What are you doing here? Don't you live in New York? And what about Annabeth?" She fired off questions but at the mention of Annabeth, he tensed and shifted uncomfortably. 

He changed the subject quickly. "Where's Carter? He should be here for my explanation."

If Sadie or Walt noticed the subject change, they didn't mention it. Sadie nodded in agreement. "He said he'll be here tomorrow. For now, you can sleep here for the rest of the night." 

She looked at Walt and they seemed to have a silent conversation. They both said their goodbyes to Percy and left the room. 

Percy took some time to look around the room. It was like a typical infirmary, with white walls, a white ceiling, and a few counters with some equipment on them. Normally, he would've hated being in here but it is so much better to have a roof on your head after so long. He'll take anything. 

He then changed into his pajamas with Aphrodite's gift but kept the cloak on so it could mask his presence from monsters and other deities. He couldn't risk anyone finding him here after all. 

After he was done, Percy laid down in bed wishing for a peaceful sleep. But a demigod's sleep is rarely ever peaceful. and this was not one of those times.


Percy was in a kid's bedroom. A little girl at the age of seven or eight was in her bed with whom he suspected was her mother sitting at the edge. They were talking in soft tones yet he could hear them clearly. The little girl had straight soft brown hair like her mother. He couldn't see either of their faces clearly. The girl giggled at something her mother had said.

 Then the atmosphere in the room got more solemn when she asked," Mommy, where is daddy? Why isn't he here like all of my other friends' daddy are? " It was heartbreaking when her eyes started to tear up. Percy felt fiercely protective of the little girl even if he doesn't know who she is. He wanted to make sure she didn't cry. 

Her mother wiped the girl's tears and softly said," He can't be here ladli. He is at his home in the sea. One day, I promise you will meet him." 

The dream changed.

Now he was in a backyard, a cyclops was looking straight at him. He tried to remove his sword but he couldn't move his body. The cyclops moved towards the two-storeyed house. "I can smell a half-blood. SO hungry," he wailed.

A woman then came outside. He wanted to warn her about the cyclopes but he knew he couldn't. This was only a dream of probably the past. Whose past? He didn't know yet. When he looked closer, he realized that this woman was the little girl's mother. The cyclops then charged at her. Before he knew, the woman had drawn a sword and battling the cyclopes. She feinted left and struck her sword into his chest and he dissolved into gold dust.

Savior Of The Universe [A Percy Jackson Fanfiction] [Discontinued]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt