14. Lost Again

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Percy's pov 

Percy did not know where he was. Again. This is getting mildly frustrating. He had woken up this morning in Los Angeles in a camping park with all the intention to vapor travel to New York to check on his family but something went wrong 'cause he landed in an unfamiliar forest. The breeze rustled through the trees, a few chirps of birds were but otherwise, it was isolated. No sign of human life anywhere.

Percy wondered in which country he landed, Africa? India? Australia? These were the few times he wished that he had a magical map that showed him the way. Soon he felt the presence of running water nearby. He silently ran through the forest following his instincts leading him to the water.

Roughly half an hour later, he came upon a beautiful waterfall. The sound of pounding water against the rocks was music to his ears. He sat on a rock and splashed some of the water on his face, immediately feeling more rejuvenated and energized. It was curious though, there weren't many living creatures here. The more he had traveled to the waterfall, the less there was any life forms like birds or insects. There weren't even any fish in the lake surrounding the waterfall. 

He didn't dwell on it too much and let it be. He leaned against his hands and felt calm and relaxed. It didn't last though, when does it ever. He felt a similar tug in his gut from when he controls water. It was leading him to the waterfall. He knew that the pressure of going under that waterfall may as well kill him but since he was a son of Poseidon, it shouldn't affect him much. 

He didn't bother taking off his clothes and just jumped into the lake and started swimming towards the waterfall. The water rushing on him made him feel like giving up and turning away but he was stubborn and pushed himself beyond the waterfall which surprisingly hid a cave. 

He pulled himself to the surface and panted out of breath. He took a moment to collect himself after being under a lot of pressure. The familiar tug came back at full force pulling him deeper into the cave as he came upon a wall with four gems embedded in it. Each gem was crystal blue with different symbols etched on them. On instinct he stroked the gems and as if a trigger, a small earthquake struck the cave. Percy supported himself by leaning on the walls of the cave. When the dust and rubble had settled, he saw a doorway that had formed where the gems were.  

He cautiously stepped inside, keeping his right hand in his pocket just in case this was the dwelling place of an ancient monster that will try to kill him for waking it up. Percy snorted lightly at that thought. He came forward slowly to see a small golden library. It all had a heavy layer of dust on it from ages of not being used. Something caught his eye in the center of the library. A silver casket with beautiful images depicted on it. A powerful aura was spread around the casket. The library itself looked very ancient yet it gave off a powerful aura like it could defend itself if it came to that. He wondered if even Athena knew of this place. 

Nah, if she knew this was here, she would've already raided it and destroyed everything else. Percy mused. 

 He slowly went over to the casket, slightly hovering his hand over it, hesitating to open it. Ah, what the hades, let's just get it over with. 

With a swift motion, he unlocked the casket only to find a scroll and some rocks inside it. Well, that was very anticlimatic, he thought.

He picked up the scroll and opened it. A gust of dust blasted in his face that he sneezed and blew away the remaining dust. The paper of the scroll itself felt soft and new. If it wasn't for the dust, he would've thought someone had placed it here recently. "How old can a piece of paper be?" he muttered to himself. 

"I assure you, I am as ancient as the universe's creators themselves." A voice came from the scroll as it vibrated. The voice itself sounded male and wise. Percy startled and dropped the scroll on the ground. 

"The first time in a millennium that I conversed with another being and this is how you treat me, by dropping me." 

At this Percy got over his earlier shock and picked up the scroll again and dusted it. "I'm sorry. I just haven't met any talking ....scrolls before you," he apologized sheepishly. 

It huffed in annoyance, "Children these days...." it sighed. It then went silent as if pondering on some thoughts. It abruptly said," But you are not quite a child are you? You have seen and experienced things no child should be subjected to."

Percy suddenly uncomfortable with the direction this conversation is going, asked," Do you have a name? I don't want to refer to you as it all the time."

"A name?" the scroll mused. "Why, no one has called me by my name in a few millennia. Nevertheless, you can call me Cosmog."

Okay then, Cosmog. He wondered where he had gotten the name. Is it because Cosmog is like Cosmos? Or maybe it is because of the pokemon named Cosmog? Eh, probably not, he did say he was as old as the universe. He doubted pokemon existed back then.

"So Cosmog. Do you have some kind of a physical form or were you always a talking scroll who knows a lot?"

"A-a physical form....." Cosmog stammered and trailed off. After a while of just staring at the scroll waiting for a coherent answer, it began to glow a faint gold and levitated away from Percy's hand. Percy's eyes widened as he watched the scroll float up to the center and glow brightly before forming into a ball of gold glitter and heading at a fast pace directly towards Percy.

He raised his arm and ducked his head in anticipation of the inevitable impact it would cause but the golden ball slithered up Percy's arm as soon as it came in contact. He pushed up his sleeve to see the golden streak to burn into his SPQR tattoo right under the trident. It stung for a moment before forming into a tattoo of a scroll under the trident. 

As if that alone wasn't curious enough, a gold beam shot out of it, and a figure formed in front of his eyes. The figure was male. He was lean with straight brown hair and intelligent blue eyes. The gold beam soon faded as the person came into his clear view. He watched as the person examined his newly formed body in amazement. His skin was pale like a ghost but his face was handsome. 

"Ah, Percy Jackson, so nice to meet you in my own body," the man exclaimed.

Percy looked at him strangely, trying to figure out how he could've known his name. Then it clicked, "C-Cosmog?! How do you know my name?"

The man looked amused. "Of course, I know your name just like I know almost everything else in the universe. There is a reason I am called the spirit of all knowledge."

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