13. Another Prophecy

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Annabeth's pov

Annabeth really did not want to go to the Counsellor's meeting but she can't just ignore the meeting called by Chiron, now could she. She swore to the gods that she would ruin every gods' statues if this was about another war, especially since........ since he was banished.

Annabeth knew that it irrational and unlogical that she couldn't bear to say or even think his name anymore but whenever she thought of him, her thoughts were all over the place. On one hand, she knew his fall flaw was loyalty which is quite opposite of betrayal but then she was the one to find the plans of betrayal in the Poseidon cabin. The only reason she was there was to apologize for her cold behavior because despite the nagging voice telling her that he did not love her and never had. When she got to the cabin, he wasn't there but the scrolls of paper under the bed caught her eye. 

From that day on, she trusted the voice. It was right. She took the scrolls to the Olympian Council as evidence that he was a traitor. Her heart told her she was making a mistake but it made so much sense and had so much logic to it. She did not trust her heart anymore at all. She requested them to not tell him that she was the one who brought it. she didn't know why she asked that but it felt right. Guilt started to creep up nut she forced it down. She had done nothing wrong. It's all his fault. He was too wrapped up in his power and planned to betray them. Tartarus had changed him for the worse. She should.ve killed him the moment he turned Akhlys' poison against her. 

"-nabeth, Annabeth," Malcolm snapped his fingers and Annabeth shook out of her thoughts. "I called your name five times. You should really get going. The meeting may have already started."

Annabeth nodded and sprinted off towards the Big House. She was the last one to arrive. The Stolls were goofing off while Katie Gardner was scolding them lightly. Clarisse was munching something, occasionally flicking it on someone. Clovis was snoring on Jason's shoulder while he was talking to Piper. Will was fretting over Nico who was looking torn between bored, amused, and irritated. In the corner, the newcomer, Ari Chanda was fidgeting with her bracelet. She was the daughter of Poseidon and cabin leader since he was the only other son of Poseidon. Her claiming was quite a shock to all of the camp. She was claimed right alongside the other kid who came with her. He is the son of Demeter.

Both of them and Diana, the daughter of Hecate made quite the unexpected trio. If they meet them separately, some may think their personalities will clash. Annabeth was eager to get this out of the way so she made a bee-line for Chiron and stopped in front of him. "What is this about Chiron?" she said loud enough that they had the attention of everybody in the room. 

Chiron trotted over to the table and cleared his throat. "I know that we have only just come out of the war but I am afraid that there has been another prophecy issued," he admitted.

Screams of outrage and groans echoed around the room. Annabeth too felt dread curling in her gut. She hoped it wasn't another great prophecy and was about someone other than her friends. She knew it was selfish but haven't they been through enough? The fates can't be as cruel as to weave another prophecy about any of them.

As soon as the room calmed down a bit, Chiron gestured towards Ari and she came forward nervously biting her lips. "I believe it'd be better if we heard it from someone who was there when the prophecy was issued," he told them and encouraged her to speak.

She hesitantly nodded and said in a confident tone, "The prophecy went like this-

Three half-bloods born of the new age,

Shall find the mirror lost

And free all traitor's minds from the earth's last act of rage,

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