27. Draconis

880 21 1

Planet Ferora,

Rimor's pov

Planet Ferora looked desolated. The buildings, structures, and homes were all in the rubble. Rimor could see bodies of citizens lying dead on the ground. It made him sick. Who would do such a thing?

Those..........those dam cultists left no survivors except for the ones who were out of this planet. They murdered everyone in cold blood. He felt sad and disheartened at the prospect of so many lives cut short. They left none alive, be it a man, woman, or children. But he moved forward, to bothering to conceal the Atman since o one should be here anyway. There were even rumors across the galaxy that it will be deemed a lost planet by Chaos and Order soon. 

He looked around and spotted a nearly intact home. It was small almost unnoticeable but still standing. He walked into it. It was a simple home but the floor was cracked, the roof looked like it could topple over at any moment. The whole house was covered in a layer of ash and dust. He moved further inside, what he saw was the most gruesome sight of all. 

It was a woman with pale skin and dark hair,  small greenhorns on the sides of her head. She was lying on the ground, her face coated with dried blood. The corpse of her body was clutching a tiny girl with similar features to the woman. The young girl's eyes were open, empty and vacant. A body with no soul. A circle of their blood was spilled9 on the ground. 

Rimor gagged at the sight. He noticed something unusual in their wounds, their foreheads were marked with the symbol of those cultists. A burning fury raced through him, those imbeciles branded their innocent victims.

 He couldn't help them now but the least he could do is give them a proper burial. He sighed morosely and dug up two graves side by side. He did not know what the culture of this planet was for their dead so they did what did on Earth. 

He said quick prayers for whichever afterlife they went to and moved on. "Do not be so saddened, Pai. You could not have saved them. It was their turn to go as the fates decreed and you do not defy them unless you want serious consequences," Skia told him.

"You are probably right."

"When am I ever wrong?" she huffed in his mind. 

"Well, that was that one time with the stuffed animal..." he trailed off.

"Enough. You promised not to speak of it again." He could imagine her violet eyes shining with embarrassment.

They didn't talk much after that, well they didn't telepathically talk much after that technically speaking. He walked through the destructed paths and tried to find some clue of who these monsters could be but he came up empty.  

A 'ROAR' then echoed from the end of the road. He quickly hurried over, turned at the corner, and hid in the shadows to see what the commotion was about. He could vaguely see three armored figures battling an enraged dragon. The dragon looked different than a normal one. It looked ancient. Its emerald scales shone in the dark and its wings were more narrow and wide. The dragon also had a slimmer and agile body than usual. 

Rimor cautiously edged closer to the battle but was careful enough to say in the shadows. He would the figures fighting more clearly now. Two of them looked female while one was male. One female had an elongated sword, the other one had two long knives while the male one was launching arrows into the dragon's hide. 

It was clear they were losing and the dragon wasn't even concentrating on the fight. It looked and angry more than anything. The arrows that were shot got stuck in the razor-sharp scales and the knives and sword gave only small cuts and bruises. The fighters were tiring fast but the dragon was not hindering one bit. 

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