19. On Earth.....

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Camp Half-Blood

Piper's pov

Piper struck the dummy again. This was the second dummy she was maiming in two hours. So much frustration built up inside of her, so much anger and that ever piling guilt that threatened to swallow her whole. She spun around and attacked it again with her knives. She had adopted the duel knives as the standard weapons that Leo had made for her. They were much more suited for combat than Katoptris which she was very glad to get rid of. It hadn't helped in the slightest. Its visions were more gruesome than the last and it told nothing that would be useful in finding Percy.

Oh, Percy......

She skewered the dummy's head off and sighed regretfully. If only she could've seen it earlier, if only she had tried harder to convince them. But no, she knew there nothing more she or anyone could've done. What you really even do when the fates themselves are against you?

She wasn't really that close to Percy when they were on their quest in the Argo II. She did not know him that well either. She definitely grew a bond with all of the crew of the Argo II but it was only when the war was over that she and Percy formed a sort of sibling relationship. He helped her past the griefs of the deaths in the war and to come to terms with things as they are. In return, she was also always there for him. 

"Except for the time he needed me the most. That time, I was useless," she thought bitterly.

"What did those dummy's ever do to you?" The voice of the daughter of Hecate drew her away from her pitiful thoughts. The young girl was staring at the skewered dummy's laying on the ground. Piper only shrugged nonchalantly in response. 

"C'mon Piper, you did all you could. Don't beat yourself up over this," Diana comforted her by pulling her into a hug.

Piper returned the hug for a moment but then pulled back and started walking towards the cabins. Diana walked beside her. "I know," she started," but guilt is eating at me and I haven't even known him as long as Nico, Thalia, or Annabeth."

Diana, a son of Demeter named Taz and the daughter of Poseidon, Percy's half-sister Ari had gone on a quest to retrieve the mirror of Peirasmos when Piper's mom- Aphrodite herself had found evidence that the campers and gods minds could be tampered with about Percy. Piper would have gone herself but the prophecy made it clear that they were the ones to go. She had felt bad for them for having to go on a quest at such a young age. But then again, that is the life of a demigod. She had become friends with Diana after she came to Camp Half-Blood. They had come back two weeks later after finding the mirror but retrieving another mirror. It was the mirror of truth. They announced that the other mirror was destroyed and its hold over any and all minds should be revoked. They then proceeded to show the campers and the gods, Percy's entire life after he came to camp so that there could be no doubts about him betraying them by using the mirror of truth, making it known that the mirror cannot lie and only shows the cold hard truth. 

Most of the gods and campers regretted betraying him after the presentation but a few gods like Ares, Zeus, and the campers like that new Xavier guy would not admit the truth. Piper could not believe that Annabeth was dating Xavier after Percy was banished, the whole Aphrodite cabin had disliked the relationship even if most of them thought Percy had betrayed them. 

Piper was disappointed and aggravated that Annabeth could not see the truth that Percy was innocent and that she was only using Xavier to distract herself. She did come to her senses after his life had played out in front of them for all to see the truth. Annabeth had broken up with Xavier and had gone on a few quests to search for Percy herself. The hunters of Artemis are also searching for him to bring him as opposed to killing him. But over the months, everyone has come back empty-handed and Zeus ordered them to stop the quests to search for him.

Savior Of The Universe [A Percy Jackson Fanfiction] [Discontinued]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin