Episode 13: Attack of the Killer Plant! Chapter 3: Things Go Wrong!

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In the Attic, Scott was looking through the Book of Shadows while Syrus, Stiles, Piper, and Derek try to help and make a potion to stun the demonic plant!

Scott: "Ugh! There is nothing in the book about demonic plants or demons who works with plants!"
Piper: "Maybe because it's never happened before!"
Scott: "OK so what do I do?"
Stiles: "Buy magical plant-killing poison."
Scott: "Not helping and not funny!"
Stiles: "Sorry!"
Syrus: "Maybe all three of us should just go down to the vet clinic and check it out!"
Stiles: "What?"
Syrus: "Well I mean, it's just a supernatural plant. And if one of it's vines get around one of us, we each have a way of escaping it's vines. Stiles can orb out of them, Scott can freeze the vines and break free, and I can use my telekinesis to make the vine unwillingly unwrap itself from me! And we'll have the Power of Three there, too!"
Scott: "Ok!"
Stiles: "Fine but if it eats me like it ate that newbie, it's y'alls fault!"
Syrus: "We'll be fine, let's go!"


The boys pull up at the vet clinic's parking lot in Roscoe the jeep and Stiles parks it! When the boys walk into the vet clinic, they head straight for the Venus fly trap plant! The boys then all stand right in front of it, surrounding it, waiting for the plant to attack. However, nothing happened!

Stiles: "Wait, shouldn't it be attacking us by now?"
Syrus: "Scott, did you do anything specific that might have caused it to attack you?"
Scott: "No, I just walked up to it!"
Stiles: "Are you sure it is supernatural and a demon or a warlock with the power to control and manipulate plants didn't make it attack you?"
Scott: "No, I even sniffed out the room nobody but my boss, this plant, and I were in this building!"
Stiles: "Well that doesn't mean anything! Derek can't sniff out a demon or a warlock, even when there right in front of us, anymore then Aunt Piper, Syrus, and I can."
Scott: "Really? Because I can!"
Syrus: "Maybe because you're a True Alpha?"
Stiles: "OK, Derek may not be a True Alpha, but he is still a good and strong Alpha!"
Syrus: "OK! Well, maybe it's because Scott is a True Alpha and a Charmed One!"
Scott and Stiles (in unison): "I guess!"
Syrus: "So how do we get it to attack us?"

Stiles gives Syrus a 'are you crazy' look!

Stiles: "Um... I'm sorry, attack us?"
Syrus: "We have to get it to attack us!"
Stiles: "No! No we don't! We definitely do NOT have to get it to attack us! We can just observe it and figure out what's going on with it being like this!"
Syrus: "We have to figure out it's motive, what's the common denominator between it's victims."
Stiles: "Oh I can tell you that, haha, It's EVIL!!!"

Scott looks at both of his brothers while they argue and then looks straight ahead. When he does, he notices that vines start to grow out of the Venus fly trap plant.

Syrus: "How can we know it's motives if we don't get it to attack us?"
Scott: "Guys!"
Stiles: "If we get it to attack us, how are we supposed to keep us from getting eaten?"
Scott: "Guys!!"
Syrus: "We have the Power of Three here, it won't even get to hurt us!"
Stiles: "Oh yeah! Do you remember what happened the last time we thought that way?"
Scott: "GUYS LOOK!!!"

Both Stiles and Syrus look towards the Venus fly trap plant and see vines started coming towards them! Before they could do anything one vine wrapped around Scott's entire body, another vine wrapped around Syrus' waist, and the third vine wrapped around Stiles' neck!

Syrus: "Woah!"
Scott: "Ugh!"
Stiles: "Ow!"

The vines kept holding the boys up against the wall!

Stiles: "Happy now Syrus?"
Syrus: "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah, just try to get free!"

Stiles then orbed out and the vine retreated. Stiles then orbed back in. Syrus squinted his eyes and made the vine release him with his telekinesis. Syrus and Stiles noticed that Scott was struggling!

Stiles: "What's wrong?"
Scott: "The vine wrapped itself around my hands, I can't get them free and freeze the thing!"
Syrus: "What about your werewolf strength?"
Scott: "It's not working for some reason. Watch out!"

Syrus and Stiles are then thrown against the wall!

Syrus: "Stiles, throw the stun potion!"
Stiles: "Uh oh, I forgot to grab it!"

The plant then 'eats' Scott (swallows him whole)!

Syrus and Stiles (in unison): "NO!"
Syrus: "What just happened?"
Stiles: "I think we just lost our brother!"

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