Episode 16: Dreams become Nightmares! Chapter 1: The Nightmare!

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Stiles and Derek were just casually cuddling on the couch watching Batman!

Derek: "Hey why don't we go upstairs and cuddle, but more sexually if you know what I mean!"
Stiles: "Derek I'm sorry but I'm just not ready to start that back up yet."
Derek: "Babe, it's been a week, and besides I thought you were ok with me and your brothers touching you!"
Stiles: "Yeah I am with touching, but I'm just not ready to start that back up! Sorry!"

Derek suddenly made Stiles lay down on the couch and started to undress both of them! Stiles started to get worried and even scared. Syrus and Scott had walked into the living room.

Stiles: "Sourwolf stop! What are you doing?"
Derek: "I'm tired of waiting, I need action!"

Derek was getting too aggressive and started to hurt Stiles!

Stiles: "Guys help! Derek's gone nuts!"
Syrus: "Actually Derek's right! And we're tired of hearing you two arguing about this!"
Scott: "Just give it to him and then he'll stop!"

Syrus and Scott then start holding Stiles' shoulders and arms so Derek could have his way with him! Stiles couldn't believe that his mate was doing this to him and his brothers were letting him and even holding his arms down! Stiles started to cry and panic!

Stiles: "NO!"


Stiles: "NO!"

Suddenly Stiles realized that he was in his bed in the middle of the night and that he was having a nightmare. Suddenly he heard footsteps and felt somebody touch him. Stiles screamed!

Derek: "Hey, hey, hey! It's me! It's just me!"

Stiles started to slow down his breathing as he was relieved! Derek went to touch him again but Stiles inched away which confused Derek.

Stiles: "I just need to go to the bathroom!"

Stiles left the bedroom and was in the hallway and as he was walking, he felt somebody touch him again. He turned around and immediately punched whoever it was! Unfortunately it was Scott, with Syrus beside him!

Scott: "OW! What the Hell Stiles?"
Stiles: "Oh my god! I'm so sorry Scott! But you know I'm a little sensitive to touch still! It's only been a week since...the incident!"
Scott: "Yeah I guess that's my fault!"

Syrus noticed that Stiles looked scared and worried!

Syrus: "Hey what's wrong?"

Scott suddenly noticed it too!

Scott: "Are you ok?"

Both Scott and Syrus went to touch Stiles' shoulders but Stiles winced and scooted back before they could. Derek had caught up to them by now!

Syrus: "Woah, since when were you afraid of us touching you?"
Derek: "He was like that with me a few minutes ago!"

Suddenly Piper came around the corner and touched Stiles arm, but he didn't flinch, he just turned around!

Piper: "Hey what's going on? I woke up to screaming!"
Stiles: "Sorry Aunt Piper! Wait is that why you all are up and not just Derek?"
Syrus and Scott (in unison): "Yep!"
Derek: "Actually, I was already awake because I had to go to the bathroom! When I was drying my hands off from washing them, I heard you scream!"
Stiles: "Oh!"
Syrus: "Wait, I don't get it! You're suddenly afraid of us three touching you but not Aunt Piper?"
Stiles: "Well I already wasn't afraid of women touching me!"
Derek: "Plus where most males have more callused hands, because males aren't really worried about having lotionized hands, whereas females, even when they work hard and are badasses, they still make sure to lotionize there hands!"

Piper gave Derek a judging look!

Derek: "What? I said that they still work hard and are badasses! They just like to make sure that their hands are lotionized!"

Piper (judging): "Mhm!"

Derek: "What? I..."
Syrus: "Derek, buddy, let me help you understand Piper since you still don't after almost a year of being around her and with us living with her! That look she gave you means, 'Stop While Your Bones Aren't Broken'!"
Derek: "OW!!!"
Scott: "So anyways, back to Stiles! What happened that suddenly made you be afraid of us touching you?"
Stiles: "Uh, it was a bad dream, well actually a full on nightmare! But the problem was it just felt so real!"
Piper: "Oh yeah! When your Aunt Phoebe, your Mom, and I first got our powers, your Aunt Phoebe had that same problem. It's the premonition power! It changes how your dreams and nightmares feel after gaining the power! But it eventually becomes easy to differentiate between what's an dream premonition or just an actual dream or nightmare!"
Syrus: "So what happened in your nightmare!"
Stiles: "Well it started off great! I mean, Derek and I were cuddling on the living room couch watching Batman! Then Derek said why don't we go upstairs and continue cuddling, but more sexually. I told him no I'm sorry but I just wasn't ready to start that back up. He was confused and asked why considering I was ok with him and you two touching me. I then told him that I maybe ok with him touching me, but I just wasn't ready to start that up. He kept trying to convince me but I didn't give in. He then forced me to lay down on the couch and got on top of me. I asked what was he doing and he said that he was tired of waiting and that he needed action. He got really aggressive and was holding me down while undressing both of us. When he had fully undressed both of us, you two came down stairs and I asked you guys for help but Syrus just said that Derek was right. Then Scott said that they were tired of hearing us argue about the subject. So you both walked over to us and held me down by my arms and shoulders while Derek did, you know. And then I got so scared and worried, and shocked that you guys would do this to me. And then, I woke up! Wait, actually no, I saw another guy! He was Caucasian! He was wearing a black T-shirt, black jeans, black boots, black leather gloves, and a black trenchcoat! He just kept staring at me while I looked at him confused about everything! Then I woke up!"
Syrus: "Marcus?"
Stiles: "No! Surprisingly it wasn't him!"
Scott (confusingly suggesting): "Joey?"
Stiles: "No!"
Derek: "So...who was he?"
Stiles: "That's the thing, I don't know! I didn't recognize him at all, that's why I was even more confused in the dream. You know what I have to go to work in a few hours so let's just go to bed and talk later."
Derek: "I'll sleep on the couch so I don't scare you again if I end up touching you."
Stiles: "No sourwolf! I'll be fine, you can still sleep in the bed, we'll just have to face away from each other so we don't cuddle!"
Derek: "Are you sure you'll be ok with me in the bed?"
Stiles: "Yeah, I'll be fine! Come on!"

And with that, everyone went back to bed! Stiles and Derek laid in the bed facing away from each other. Derek suddenly felt someone hold his hand, intertwining their fingers with his. It was Stiles! He still needed him to sleep, just not so much as cuddling him, and more like just a simple hand hold.

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