Episode 9: Halliwell-Trudeas meet Winchesters! Chapter 3: Change of Plans!

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Piper (walking behind her nephews): "So wait! You saw Jeremy incinerating us all and turning us into ashes all at once?"
Stiles (walking to the Book): "No Dean and Sam were incinerated and turned into ashes first. Then it happened to Syrus and Scott. Then right before I was about to be incinerated and turned into ashes, I was pulled out of the Orbed Premonition!"
Scott: "Wait and we just stood there and watched each other burn? That doesn't make any sense!"
Stiles: "Actually we looked more like we were stuck. Like we couldn't move anything but our heads!"
Syrus: "OK Aunt Piper! I know you dating him those six months was decades ago but, do you know what can we do to vanquish him?"
Piper: "No! Both times that we had to vanquish him we just had to say the power of three spell!"

Piper looked at the book and noticed and read what was being spirit wrote onto it.

Piper: "But your mom just spirit wrote that he's changed so much that the spell won't work on him anymore, at least not by itself."
Syrus, Scott, and Stiles: "What?"
Piper: "Yeah! Right here!"

The boys look at the book and realize that their mom had spirit wrote that message!

Syrus, Scott, and Stiles: " Great!"
Dean and Sam (in unison): "HEELLLOOOO!!!!!"
Dean: "Remember us? The ones who were incinerated into ashes first in your orby premonition thingy!"
Stiles: "Orbed Premonition!"
Dean: "Whatever!!!"
Sam: "Look just, hear us out! We have an idea!"
Syrus and Piper (in unison): *Sighs Annoyed* "Fine what is it?"
Sam: "Well what if, we kill him with you guys saying that spell you're talking about along while us two stab him with athamés that have been heavily dipped in this supernatural poison that we have."
Syrus: "What are you calling supernatural poison?"

Dean then grabs a bottle of a strange liquid, walks to Stiles, and gets a little bit on Stiles! Unfortunately, he messed up his aim and instead of hitting his arm with it, he hit Stiles' stomach. Stiles and was burned so bad that it made him fall to the floor with a loud yell!

Sam (shocked and frustrated): "DEAN? Are you insane? Why the Hell would you do that?"
Dean: "Look, I just meant to get that much on his arm but I messed my aim!"
Scott (pissed): "YOU SHOULDN'T HAD DONE IT AT ALL!!!"
Syrus (pissed): "YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!"

Both Derek and Syrus got ready to attack Dean which made Dean pull out a gun, with a silver wolfsbane dipped bullet, in one hand and an athamé on the other hand.

Dean: "Watch it you two! You're not mortal so I'm not afraid to kill you two!"

Sam stopped Dean, Piper stopped Syrus, and Scott stopped Derek!

Piper (pissed): "WILL HE BE ALRIGHT???"
Dean: "Ugh! Sure I think so!"

Stiles, with the help of his brothers and with Derek behind him, was able to get back up! Then Stiles walked to Dean and punched him and  knocked Dean flat on his ass!

Dean: "What the Hell?"
Stiles: "Now back to business! We might be able to vanquish Jeremy with this and the power of three spell! I think we should use that stuff!"
Syrus and Piper (in unison): *Sighs Annoyed* "Fine!"
Syrus: "But just so you know! If you even think of touching my brothers; my aunt; and/or my brother's boyfriend who's a good friend of ours, at all; especially to hurt them, you'll be dead before you even get to make a sound from the pain! So don't even think about doing anything to them!"

Syrus then started to walk back to the book!

Dean (purposely pissing Syrus off): "Well the only way that I might be able to even keep that promise, is making sure you don't give me a reason to. Because so far, I've seen multiple reasons, so I may just have to do it when you can't do anything about it. So I suggest that you watch it too! Because I'm not afraid to hurt you people!"

Syrus then got pissed! That's not what he wanted to hear! Syrus then turned around and squinted his eyes! Dean suddenly was stiff and was like a statue only his face was free from Syrus' telekinetic grip on him!

Sam: "Dean?"
Piper: "Syrus!"

Dean then started floating into the air still stiff!

Syrus (while squinting his eyes): "Now I could do one of three things to really hurt you! I could fly you through that window behind you and make you hit the ground outside so hard that it either puts you in a coma or kills you!"
Stiles: "Syrus!!!"
Syrus (while squinting his eyes): "Or I could suddenly make a whole bunch of athamés stab into you and kill you!"
Scott: "Syrus!!!"
Syrus (while squinting his eyes): "Or I can fly you into that wall behind you and keep using my power to put so much pressure on you and start breaking all of your bones until they're all completely broken and it kills you! But I won't! Because I'm a good male witch! But this is a warning! Next I won't be such a good male witch! I will do one of the three options if you do hurt any of them! So I suggest that You BACK THE HELL OFF!!!"
Stiles and Scott (yelling in unison): "SYRUS!!!"

As Scott and Stiles start to walk to Syrus' sides, Syrus drops Dean down and frees him!

Syrus: "Consider yourself warned about what will happen if you hurt any of them!"

Dean gets in Syrus' face!

Dean: "You know! I think you won't have to worry about me hurting your family anymore! Because if I kill anyone here, it'll be you!"
Piper: "STOP IT ALRIGHT! EVERYBODY JUST STOP IT, STOP IT, STOP IT DAMMIT!!! For God's Sake, a warlock from my past, who somehow is more powerful than what he should be, is after all five of you and instead of working together, you're trying to kill each other? WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU GUYS???"

The guys then calm down!

Piper: "Now, TO KEEP YOU ALL FROM DYING, I think we need to find a way to help with the bait and distraction without getting y'all killed! It's called Astral Projection! Boys, you're mother had this as a power, and Syrus mostly likely will too one day! Now if we can do this, then the plan might work! Now are you in? Or do you just wanna waste time almost 'killing' each other?"
Syrus and Dean (in unison): "Fine!"
Piper: "Good! Now let's get ready! We only have one shot at this!"

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