Episode 7: The Woogyman/Nexus Possession! Chapter 3: It Spreads!

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Outside the Halliwell manor on the front steps. It's morning. Scott, Stiles, and Derek are sitting on the step.

Scott: "Okay! We have been up all night. We've tried everything. If our powers can't get us into the house, what can?"

Stiles stands up and grabs a brick. He throws it at the window but the electricity prevents it from breaking.

Stiles: "Well that helped!"
Scott: "You know, yesterday I got shocked when I walked through the front door."
Stiles: "Me too. Do you think that's when this all started?"
Scott: "Define this. Our house has turned against us and so has our brother."
Stiles: "This is more than just Syrus. He said that he told him to do this. So, who is he and what does he want with Syrus?"
Scott: "Maybe that's the problem, we've been focusing on Syrus. Maybe that's not the point."
Stiles: "Then what is?"
Scott: "Location. Whatever has the house, has him too. And it's not letting us in for a reason."
Stiles: "And we can't get to the Book of Shadows to find out what it is. So we know nothing."
Scott: "You know what come on! I want to check on Dr. Anderson!

Scott, Stiles, and Derek walk to Stiles Jeep and drive off to Scott's workplace!

Inside the manor, Syrus' dialling the phone and as he walks from room to room, the wallpaper falls of the walls and the window's glass break.

Syrus: "Hi yes, I would like a pizza delivered to my home. Well, whenever you do open, then. I don't care what you put on the thing. Just make sure somebody delivers it. 1329 Prescott St. I'll be waiting."


Outside the vet clinic, Dr. Anderson is being arrested

Scott: "Hey Mike, what happened?"

Mike: "Uh, I don't know. Dr. Anderson started working on a dog's check up when he suddenly started choking me. Thank God the dog's adult owner pulled him off of me!"

Stiles: "Oh my God, are you okay?"

Mike: "Yeah, I just don't know why he snapped like that."
Scott: "OK Mike listen, are you okay enough to run the clinic, something's happened to our older brother and he needs us!"
Mike: "Uh... Yeah sure I guess! Good luck with your brother!"
Scott and Stiles (in unison): "Thanks!"

Scott, Stiles, and Derek walk to the Jeep and drive off!


Back at the Halliwell manor, Syrus walks into the attic and to the Book of Shadows! He starts flipping through the Book of Shadows and finds the page titled 'The Woogyman/Nexus'! He rips out the page and was about to destroy it, but instead folded up into a real tiny piece of paper! He walked over to the rug in the center of the attic, flipped the rug over, pulled one of the floor boards out, dropped the page, then put the floor board back into place and put the rug back!


Outside the Halliwell Manor, Blake and Joey get out of their car.

Blake: "Why's it feel like we live here?"

Across the road they see two neighbours fighting.

Joey: "Which one do you want?"

Blake: "I'll take that one. I could use a change of scenery."

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