Episode 18: Powers Exposed! Chapter 3: Caught on Tape!

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Finn: "Inspector Michaels!"
Joey: "Ohh..."
Finn: "Finn Bailey! Bay Weekly!"
Johnson: "He's all yours!"

He leaves!

Joey: "I know who you are. What do you want?"
Finn: "Um, a cup of coffee would be great. (Joey gives him a look.)
Finn: "Okay. What do you say I pick your brain about Stiles Halliwell-Trudeau and his brothers. Name ring a bell? It should! His name keeps popping up in a lot of your murder cases. A lot of the unsolved ones."
Joey: "He's a cop who works here! Of course his name will show up!"
Finn: "Really as both the cop on the case and the witness with his brothers who aren't cops?"
Joey: "Is that a fact?"
Finn: "I've got my sources! Cops love to talk, especially if you pay them enough."
Joey: "Get the hell outta here!"
Finn: "So, I assume you know all about Syrus' unusual powers, right? And I bet you that Stiles has powers too. Boy, that stopped you cold!"
Joey: "I don't know what you're talking about!"
Finn: "Yeah, right, that's what Syrus said too. Did you two rehearse your stories or what? I saw him in action in the park, Michaels. He waved his hands and magically suspended that Jesse kid and his kidnapper in midair. It was, it was very cool. I just wish I had my camera. Care to comment?"
Joey: "No!"
Finn: "Okay, I'll just change my story to a police cover-up instead."
Joey: "I'm not covering up anything!"
Finn: "Really? Great! Then I guess you got nothing to worry about. Just remember, I gave you a chance to work with me."

He finally leaves!

Johnson: "What was that about?"
Joey: "Nothing!"

Suddenly, Stiles walks into the station!

Stiles: "Joey, hey uh quick question do you have a map of the storm drains?"
Joey: "Yeah! Why?"
Stiles: "Can I borrow them?"
Joey: "No! Not until you tell me what's going on!"
Stiles: "What's this about?"
Joey: "You tell me! Some Finn Bailey reporter guy just came in saying Syrus was able magically seperate that Jesse kid who was kidnapped this morning, and his kidnapper by moving them with the wave of his hands! He also says that he thinks that you have powers too and just grilled me to talk about me covering up your secret about your powers! So what the hell is going on?"
Stiles: "Ok Joey, this probably isn't the best time to be saying this but you're just gonna have to trust me. Ok after I'm done with the map I promise I'll explain."
Joey: "Stiles, I..."
Stiles (cutting Joey off): "Joey just, please let me borrow the map?"

After hesitating, Joey finally hands the map over to Stiles! When Stiles takes it from Joey, he has an orbed premonition! Orbing his consciousness into the premonition, he sees a little boy in the storm drain passing a sign on a ladder that says 'SF PVC N 12'! Stiles orbs out of the premonition and is back in the real world!

Joey: "Stiles, are you ok?"
Stiles: "Yeah! I've gotta go I'll talk to you later!"

Stiles leaves the station and inspector Johnson walks over to Joey.

Johnson: "Now what was that about?"
Joey: "Nothing!!!"

Joey grabs his phone, keys, jacket, and badge and starts to head out of the station.

Johnson: "Where you going?"
Joey: "I'm assigning myself to the kidnappings!"


Scott pulls up on his motorcycle outside their house. He runs up the stairs and Stiles gets out of his jeep.

Scott: "Did you get it?"
Stiles: "Yep, I got it!"
Scott: "What's wrong?"
Stiles: "Bailey stopped by the station right before I did. I think he told Joey about Syrus' powers and told him that I had powers too."
Scott: "Uh oh. What did you do?"
Stiles: "Same as I always do, I danced around the situation. It just doesn't feel right anymore."

Scott sees a baby stroller roll down next door's driveway right in front of a truck. He freezes it just in time.

Scott: "Oh my God!"

They run down to the road.

Stiles: "Where is the mother?"

They look inside the baby stroller. It's empty!

Scott: "Oh, thank God!"
Stiles: "Wait a second, since when did the Mullens' get a baby? That damn reporter. Look!"

They see Finn with a camera hiding behind a wall and bushes.

Scott: "Okay, uh, confused!"
Stiles: "All right, that must be Bailey. This is a setup! We need to get back to where we were before everything unfreezes. Go!"

They run back in front of their house.

Stiles: "Okay, don't forget to put your hands up."

Everything unfreezes!

Stiles: "Don't look, just go inside!"

They do so. Finn rewinds his camera and plays it several times.

Eric: "Briefcase under right arm. Then under left arm. Briefcase under right arm. Briefcase under left arm. His brothers have powers too. Gotcha! Gotcha!"

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