Episode 19: The Truth Revealed! Chapter 5: Saving Olivia!

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In the living room, Syrus is using Cayla's power to try and find Olivia.

Syrus: "I can't do it!"
Cayla: "Yes, you can! You have every one of my powers, including the power to find Olivia."
Scott: "Cayla, wouldn't it be faster for you guys just to switch you powers back?"
Cayla: "No, I'm still too weak, it's up to Syrus. Trust me, Syrus! Okay, look deep inside yourself, peace, place where you find love."
Syrus: "Right, I can hear her!"
Cayla: "Listen to her, let her tell you where she is."
Syrus: "She's screaming, she's afraid, Allice is pushing her past some trees."
Cayla: "Can you recognize the place, can you tell where they're at?"
Syrus: "Heroes Grove, Golden Gate park!"
Scott: "Let's go!"
Syrus: "What about Cayla?"
Cayla: "I'm fine, save Olivia!"
Scott: "Syrus, we really need the Power of Three to do this."
Stiles: "Actually, I don't think we do. I think there's a better way. Syrus, you, Derek, and Aunt Piper stay with Cayla. Scott, you drive, I'll talk!"


At the Golden Gate Park, Allice is forcing Olivia to follow her.

Olivia: "Why are taking me here?"
Allice: "You could have been my mate, Olivia, my equal."
Olivia: "I don't understand!"
Allice: "And now you've made this place your death bed. It's your own fault you won't live."
Olivia: "Please don't kill me! If you ever loved me!"
Allice: "If I ever loved you what? You think I could just get over you? Move on, find somebody else? You're the only person I've ever loved, Olivia, and now I'm the last woman you'll ever leave."

Her hand glows red hot. Scott and Stiles run over to them.

Scott: "Let her go!"
Allice: "She's mine!"
Stiles: "You little..."

Stiles uses Scott's ice powers and blasts Allice through the air.

Stiles: "Do it, Scott, now!"
Scott: "'What's mine is yours, what yours is mine, let our powers cross the line'."
Allice: "You really should have stayed out of this."
Scott: "'I offer up this gift to share, switch our powers through the air'."

Allice's hand stops glowing and Scott's hand starts glowing.

Allice: "What? Where's my power?"
Scott: "It's hate! Hate is her trigger!"
Stiles: "Then hate her!"
Scott: "No problem. Bring him to me, Stiles."
Stiles: "In front of Scott!"

Allice is suddenly remotely orbed in front of Scott an he puts his glowing hand on her chest and starts burning her to death.

Scott: "'What's mine is yours, what yours is mine, let our powers cross the line'."

Allice suddenly turns into ashes!

Olivia: "He's gone! You did it!"
Stiles: "Are you okay?"
Scott: "I can't believe how much hate that took. I never wanna feel like that again."
Olivia: "You just gave me my life back!"
Stiles: "Now, when we get home, you're gonna give me my power back, right?"


Later in the attic, Cayla and Syrus are laying on the bay window couch together.

Syrus: "I almost wish I didn't give you your powers back. Then you wouldn't be able to leave."
Cayla: "Me too!"
Syrus: "Cayla, where were you from before you died and became a Whitelighter?"

Cayla: "Ironically, I was actually born right here in San Francisco. I had grew up here on the other side of town, I became a nurse. The last thing I remember, I was getting ready for a shift when the fire alarm in my apartment building went off. As I got outside, I overheard a woman panicking, telling the firemen that her daughter was somewhere in the building still. Then something came over me and I just took off back into the building and went looking for the little girl. After a few minutes, I finally found the little girl, but she was hurt so I had to carry her. When I finally got us back out, they took her from my arms. But then after they did that, I fainted and the ambulance took me to the hospital and the next thing I know I was floating surrounded by Whitelighters. They offered me immortality and the chance to help special people like you. I never once ever doubted that I didn't make the right choice. 'Til I met you. Ever since all I can think is how I'd give it up and have a mortal life again to have a family, grow old... with you."
Syrus: "Is that possible?"
Cayla: "Yeah, I can become human again, Syrus, if you want me to."
Syrus: "Are you kidding? I want that more than anything. I don't want to lose you again."
Cayla: "But..."
Syrus: "But then you wouldn't be able to help other witches or other future Whitelighters, would you? You couldn't help save the next Olivia."

There's silence!

Cayla: "I better go!"

They kiss!

Cayla: "I love you!"

She then orbs out!

Syrus: "I love you, too!"


Scott: "Is it just me or can you draw a chalk outline around this place?"

Stiles: "Well, I don't know what you could possibly mean, Scott, I mean the weekend's almost over, we never made it to Cabo, I'm never gonna see Joey again, and Syrus just lost the love of his life."

Scott: "The glass is way more than half way full here, guys, Syrus saved the love of his life, Allice is long gone and Olivia's on her way back to her family."
Stiles: "Yeah, I guess you're right! And hey, we even managed to straighten out our powers, thank God.

Scott gets three pineapples out of the fridge.

Scott: "Thank God? I thought that you always wanted a personal active power."
Stiles: "Maybe, but I never thought I'd actually miss my orbed premonitions. Having your power was like wearing a pair of jeans that was too tight. Not that that would ever happen."
Scott: "Remember that one time when I got mad at you and said that you had no vision."
Stiles: "Yeah!"
Scott: "Well, you will never hear it again. It takes a lot of strength to see what you see."
Derek: "I'll drink to that. We can't go to Cabo, we might as well bring Cabo to us."
Stiles: "I don't know, Sourwolf, we still have some serious problems."

He plays some reggae music on the CD player.

Derek: "Problems are for Monday mornings! What do you say?"
Scott: "It's gonna be one hell of a Monday morning, but until then..."

They three boys toast their drinks!

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