Episode 8: Wendigo vs Werewolf! Chapter 2: What it is!

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The next day in the kitchen of the Halliwell Manor, Syrus' sitting at the table looking through the Book of Shadows. Scott, Stiles, and Derek are there as well.

Syrus: "If that thing last night wasn't demonic, I don't know what is."
Scott: "Syrus! Didn't you say that you already shot it? Sure it survived the flare but you must've at least weakened it! OK so, stop worrying about it! It's gone!"

Syrus: "Can't! That thing tried to kill me. Besides, I was meant to be involved in this, I know that. It's no coincidence I got that flat."

Stiles was cooking bacon and oatmeal for breakfast for everyone! However, Stiles hadn't noticed that the oatmeal is about to boil over on the stove.

Scott (Gasps): "Stiles!!!"

Scott uses his power to freeze it before it boils over. He then walks over to it and turns the knob to turn the stove off! He unfreezes the oatmeal and puts some in a bowl.

Stiles: "Sorry! Anyways, so what if you were meant to be there Syrus! It's not your problem! Let it go! Do you hear me? Let it GOOOOOOOO!!!"
Scott: "Why do I suddenly feel like watching frozen now?"

Piper walks in!

Piper: "It's not over until you vanquish that wendigo!"
Scott and Stiles (annoyed and in unison): "Thanks Piper!"
Syrus: "Wait what is it called?"
Piper: "A wendigo and you better be ready for it and figure out a way to kill it or else it's not going to be the only one in San Francisco tonight!

Syrus then turned towards the book and concentrated!

Syrus (while squinting his eyes): " Cross reference 'The Wendigo!'"

The pages in the book suddenly started to telekinetically flip until it landed on a page titled Wendigo!

The pages in the book suddenly started to telekinetically flip until it landed on a page titled Wendigo!

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Syrus: "Woah!!!"

Stiles: "OK! Listen, while we're at work, don't even think about going after that thing alone."

Scott: "Wait, there's no reason to go after it at all. The only innocent to protect here is Syrus."

Syrus: "Guys, I thought I was gonna die last night. I was totally helpless and all I could think about is that I was never gonna see you guys again. And then suddenly out of nowhere comes Jeremiah. He saved me! Protected me! That thing took away the person he loved and he's out there all alone trying to kill it. I can't just do nothing."

Scott: "Just don't do anything unless we're together, okay. Promise?"

Syrus: "Okay!"

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