My Final Reflection Paper (Intro To Psych)

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Rosa Rodriguez

Introduction to Psychology

Final Reflection Paper


December 8th, 2020

My Final Reflection Paper

Did you know that somewhere in the world a person feels stress every day? That person I am talking about does not even have to be you. In various parts of the world someone is always feeling stress. The topic that I have found interesting and have chosen to write about for my final reflection paper is the topic of stress. I will include my detailed description on it, a summary of an article that I have chosen, the definition, the symptoms, how one would get diagnosed, and how one would treat it.

My detailed description of stress is small. Stress is something that you feel in certain situations, about something you did or that you will do. There are many definitions that can be used to describe what stress is, as it is hard to just produce one to explain it all. There are also many symptoms of stress, and every person that has stress will not feel all of them. You cannot really diagnose stress but based of the symptoms someone lists you could come to that conclusion. To treat stress there is no right or wrong way to do so as everyone has their own way to deal with it. Not all ways to deal with stress are good though and some could even be a problem for your health.

For my summary of the article, it says this. We know stress has come a long way from back then, now we understand it better. Everyone understands stress much better honestly. The research that was done on stress has helped everyone a lot. Recent studies on this topic have examined different links between stress and health. Research that had been done is usefully in helping others. This research is truly relevant and helpful. If you are stressed you could be at risk for some things, but they can be prevented from getting them. I think and know that other that this article and research that there are many others that were conducted. Some of them may be only focused on one aspect, if something would cause it, or there are others that are trying to include the whole thing.

There are many definitions for stress. This definition is just one of them, "Stress can be defined as the degree to which you feel overwhelmed or unable to cope as a result of pressures that are unmanageable." (Mental Health Foundation). Knowing a definition can help you in many ways, one of them is just knowing what it is. Now you know the definition of stress did it help you get a better grasp on knowing what stress is, if not we will move on and try to give you more information so you will understand.

I will now provide you with the symptoms of stress so you can tell if you or others are stressed. There are many symptoms of stress, but I will only give you some of them. Aches and pains, headaches, increase in or loss of appetite, problems sleeping, tiredness, weight gain or loss, upset stomach. Many of these symptoms are okay and they will go away eventually. Some of them could take time to fix and get back to normal. Others could be bad for your health if they go on long enough. I hope that if you are feeling stressed that you do not get too bad. If someone is felling stressed help them deal with it if you can.

How do you get diagnosed with stress? This is how. "There is no specific test to diagnose stress. Typically, your healthcare professional conducts a variety of tests (which may include a personal and family health history, blood and urine tests and other assessments) to rule out various medical conditions." (sharecare). I honestly do not think you will need a doctor if you know you are stressed. If someone who is stressed all the time or if their stress is bad, then I can understand if you would need a doctor.

How you would treat stress, I think is complicated it would depend on the level of stress you have, how long you have been stressed and all sorts of other things. But here are some ways to treat someone's stress according to (Kerri-Ann Jennings). Exercise, supplements, candles, less caffeine, write things down, chew gum, spend some time with friends and family. Some of these ways to treat stress I can understand like less caffeine because if you drink caffeine you are usually so wired and alert, or even write things down because if you did that you would not have to remember stuff and worry if you forgot something. But I cannot understand how someone would want to exercise to treat stress, who like to exercise? I know I do not really like to exercise if I do not have to do so. I also understand how family and friends can help treat stress, but I think that sometimes you family and friends just make you feel even more stressed than you already are.

I think that this topic will benefit everyone. As it gives you more information about stress such as the definition, symptoms and other stuff. I think this will benefit the psychology feild by them learning more about it so they can help us and inform others on what they found. I think it can improve the quality of individual life and communal life better because we now know how to help someone who has it and and to treat it if someone does happen to have it. 

Now you know what stress is, or you should. If you want to know more feel free to go and look up some more information. I have included a detailed description of it, a summary of an article that I have chosen, the definition, the symptoms, how one would get diagnosed, and how one would treat it. And the topic of stress is an easy and yet tricky thing to explain and understand. What about you? Do you think it is hard? Do you think it is easy? Do you now understand stress? Do you want more information? Some of these questions are only ones that you can answer the others you will have to figure out.

Works Cited

Slavich, George M. "Life Stress and Health: A Review of Conceptual Issues and Recent Findings." Teaching of Psychology (Columbia, Mo.), U.S. National Library of Medicine, Oct. 2016,

"Stress." Mental Health Foundation, 2 Nov. 2020,

"How Is Stress Diagnosed?: Stress." Sharecare, .

Jennings, Kerri-Ann. "16 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety." Healthline, Healthline Media, 28 Aug. 2018, . 

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