ASL 2 Community Involvment Project - Switched At Birth

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Rosa Rodriguez




Switched At Birth

          Switched at birth season one episode one "This Is Not a Pipe". I got asked the question, What did you learn while doing it? I said, I learned a lot I also learned that mistakes can be made by everyone, but some mistakes are worse than others. When I was asked the question, Would you do it again? I answered with, It depends really I don't really know what I would do. When I was asked the question, Why or why not? I answered with, I watched the episode and while I thought it was good and I liked it, but it is not something that I would normally end up watching. When I was asked the question, How difficult or easy was the project? I answered with, I would say that it was pretty easy I mean it was only forty-one minutes and twenty-one seconds long so I wasn't taking that much time away from other things that I could be doing, or wasting my time with a project that took forever to complete. When I got asked, What went wrong or right? I groaned literally I did, but anyway The video was that I found was better quality that the one I found on youtube which wasn't the best quality, but I watched it on Dailymotion and the only thing wrong with it was the screen was a little blurry and I think at times that the lips were moving faster than the words they were speaking. When I got asked the following question of, What did I learn about deaf people and culture? I was thinking oh boy I know I know this, but anyway moving on when the one girl learned that she wasn't her parents daughter and then the daughters met their real parents the parents of the deaf girl were kinda horrified that their daughter was deaf not everyone is so accepting like others, like the fake mom of the deaf girl who learned sign language so she could communicate with her daughter. This is the link to the season one episode one "This Is Not a Pipe" that I watched on the site called Dailymotion, .

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