My "Of Mice and Men" By: John Steinbeck" Essay

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Rosa Rodriguez

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9th January 2018

Critical Analysis Essay for "Of Mice and Men" By: John Steinbeck

Did you know that almost every adult has about forty friends, and that there are several different types of friends. John Steinbeck, Of Mice And Men. The book focuses mainly on two men named Lennie and George. They travel all over from place to place searching for work. They have the dream to someday earn enough money to buy a farm of their own. They are at a job on a farm for most of the book, and deal with the problems that they have there. At the end of the book George has to do something bad to Lennie, but George doesn't want to do it. The first thing I am going to write about is the friendship between Lennie and George. Secondly George's dream to be independent. The final thing thing I am going to write about is the use of nature in the story.

The friendship between Lennie and George. Lennie's aunt Clara didn't want him anymore or something to do with that and he had nowhere else to go and he was friends with George so he just went with him. "god dammit Lennie" George says." (Steinbeck). This quote shows that although George yells at Lennie all the time he doesn't mean most of what he says to Lennie and he says he will do, even though that this happens George still cares about lennie. True friendship is being there for someone whenever they need you to be there and showing that you care about them no matter what, friendships can be shown in many different ways it may not be shown for the whole world to see it but it can be shown in other ways like George does with Lenny.

George's dream to be independent. George and Lennie had settled down for the night and were starting a fire so they would be able to cook beans to eat, when Lennie says something about ketchup. "...if you weren't here I would..." (Steinbeck). George tells Lennie repeaditly about what he would do if Lennie wasn't there, or if Lennie wasn't there he would do this. In the begining of the book George tells Lennie what he would do if he didn't have to take care of him. Even though George is always saying these things to Lennie, George loves him despite everything he says. After George says these things to Lennie, Lennie would always says what he could do so George wouldn't have to deal with him.

The use of nature in the story. Lennie wants to tend the rabbits on the farm that he and George are hoping to get. George says that he doesn't care about the rabbits when ever they are mentioned. Then there is the horse that needs its hoof to be taken care of because it is damaged, the hoof was cracked and was repaired with tar. "..and I will tend to the rabbits right George...)" (Steinbeck). This quote shows that Lennie cares about nature or at least the rabbits themselves. Later in the story they show that Lennie cares about the puppy that was givin to him at the farm that they work on for most of the book. Everyone should care about nature, but even if they don't care about it they should at least respect it.

The first thing I am going to write about is, the friendship between Lennie and George. SecondlyGeorge's dream to be independent. The final thing I am going to write about is the use of nature in the story. Everybody has at least one best friend. Everbody in the whole world has a dream. Almost everyone wants to become independent at some point in their lives.

"Works Cited"


Steinbeck, John. Of Mice And Men - PDF,


Person. "REVEALED: The Average Person Has THIS Many Friends.",, 11 May 2017 .


Staff, EasyBib. "The Free Automatic Bibliography Composer." EasyBib, Chegg, 1 Jan. 2018,


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