My Trip To Bentleyville Essay Project

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(Some things were different but this is basically what I saw when I went, but the video is of the tour from 2015 I went in 2017)

  On December 2nd 2017, I went to Bentleyville with a 4-H group as my friend Megan's tagalong person, her brother Ian also came. The line was really long and we moved a little bit but not much and then we heard a countdown from five to zero, and then the lights lit up at exactly five o'clock on the dot it was awesome and very beautiful. It took us at least five minutes to get to the entrances lights were hanging along the arches and the lights were reflected on the ground like lights off a disco ball. I took several pictures, the first one was of some of the lit up trees we could see along the outside just as the lights were turned on, the next two were of the lights hanging and wrapped around the arches that we walked under.

  The fourth picture that I took was of the archway that says something like Bentleyville launch night I think that is what I think the picture says anyway, the next one was of the massive tree that could change colors and at the time was red, then we had gotten hot chocolate before we moved on. When we finished the hot chocolate we threw away the cups and turned down a archway that was covered in red lights, when we were walking down the archway on our left I took a picture of a ship made out of lights that said 'Duluth MN' on the side of it with lights on the bottom making it look like it was sitting in the water. Slightly farther down on the same side was the bridge that would move up and down to let ships go under it, the last to pictures I took were of four pillars that were lit up and covered in snowflake light ups with a little roof over it. I at this point had to turn my phone off and put it away because my phone was at eight percent and I was unable to use it anymore that night.

  As we walked under the pillars and it's little roof we saw a gift shop where you can look and if you want to buy it they had it to you their lines were massive, so we decided not to look but on our right there was about six fire pits and a little building that had two windows that had people handing out pokers with two marshmallows for each person, we grabbed them and found ourselves a pit and started to roast our marshmallows. I was determined to set mine on fire and I did but it took two of us to blow out the flames they tasted very good a little burnt but good, Ian had his over the fire to long and his caught fire but he didn't notice when he did the had melted to much and fell off the poker and into the fire pit so we watched them burn, Megan ate hers and when we were all done we hung up are pokers and moved on. We entered another archway that was covered in white and blue lights that made them look like icicles, along the way we saw many more lit up picture lights, and a few photo booths that you could sit on a stool and a board around it saying 'Bentleyville tour of lights Duluth Minnesota" on it and many more. We went through a few more archways and saw many more lit picture light things towards the end of our last archway you could turn to the right and still see a line for even more people coming in.

  We emerged from the last archway tunnel, and we ended up at the archway that says something like Bentleyville launch night, and we needed a break a place to sit down because our feet hurt so much so we saw another gift shop that you could actually go in and saw that there was benches outside so we made our way over and sat down. After sitting down for awhile we decided to go in the gift shop and look around, so we stood up and made our way inside, the store was filled with stuffed animals of various kinds and numerous t-shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, hats, and other assorted stuff. Me being me decided to buy something that said 'Bentleyville tour of lights - Duluth MN' on it to bring home as a souvenir as I was thinking that I probably would not ever come here again and wanted something to remember it by, so I bought a penguin that was wearing a hat that said 'Bentleyville tour of lights - Duluth MN' I loved it. After I purchased the animal we made our way back outside and sat back down on the benches to rest some more and to wait for the last ten minutes that we had before we had to meet up with the rest of the 4-H group, to head to dinner.

  I loved going to 'The Bentleyville Tour of Lights' up in Duluth, Minnesota, I had tons of fun as it was my first ever time going there it was awesome and definitely worth the wait from when I was asked to go and the day I went. I am glad that I went as I was not disappointed at all everything was amazing, if given the chance I would probably go back again. I am glad the Megan invited me to go with her, and I am glad that I decided to go and not turn her down. If you want or need to see pictures just ask as they are on my phone, and if you want to see my penguin all you have to do is ask I will even show you the receipt from when I bot the penguin in the gift shop.

( All questions in this story are not to be asked I wrote this for a Project I had to do for Asl The questions were and are for my teacher ) -RR

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