A Christmas Carol Essay

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Rosa Rodriguez



02 January 2020

How Scrooge Changes Throughout The Story

Each and every person around the world goes through many different transformations throughout their whole life. Changes that people end up going through at different points in time end up being either good or bad, sometimes a transformation could be both. Although everyone goes through more than one change in their life, throughout A Christmas Carol written by Charles Dickens Scrooge goes through many changes as well. How Scrooge changes throughout the story involves the use of money, how he looks at food, and how he interacts with different people.

How Scrooge uses money is kinda selfish and he hoards it like no one deserves it but him. An instance where this occurs is when some people ask for a donation for the poor and destitute. Scrooge questions them but he refuses to give them any money and wants to be left alone. "Nothing!" Scrooge replied. "You wish to be anonymous?" "I wish to be left alone," said Scrooge. (Dickens 9-11). He then said that people should just die then to decrease the surplus population. He basically told them that if that happens then he wouldn't have to give his money away and they could stop asking as they would have plenty to spare after people have died. At the end of the story, Scrooge is giving money away to people who need it and then he is also buying things for others.

How Scrooge treats people is just mean and I wonder why people wish him goodwill when he treats them so horribly. One of the first people that Scrooge mistreats in this story is his own nephew. His nephew is nothing but nice to him the whole time he is visiting his uncle, but Scrooge does nothing my dismiss him and treat him horribly. "Good afternoon!" said Scrooge. "I want nothing from you; I ask nothing of you; why can't we be friends?" "Good Afternoon!" said Scrooge. (Dickins 8). Scrooge continues to say good afternoon as a reply to everything his nephew says. Although towards the end of the story everything changes and Scrooge starts treating people nicely.

Through the story Scrooge continues to see food differently than other people. An example of this is when the ghost of christmas present takes him to the Kratchet's house to see them. Scrooge says that what they have is a feast but the ghost disagrees with him and said "...to little food for such a large family..." (A Chrisrmas Carol). They continue to watch them and then they move on and the story continues. When Scrooge is done with his final ghost he sends someone to go and buy the giant turkey and bring it to the Kratchets for christmas dinner.

At the end of the story, Scrooge has a new outlook on christmas and life itself and he is now a better person for what has happened to him. How Scrooge changes throughout the story involves ghosts where they make him see reason and change his ways. The ghosts change what Scrooge believes on the use of money, where he would hoard it he now shares it. How he looks at food was not that good, but now he shares that with everyone as well. And how he interacts with different people was mean and disrespectful then, but now he treats them with respect and is kind to them. "They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself." ― Andy Warhol, The Philosophy of Andy Warhol

Works Cited


A Christmas Carol Columbia Pictures 1975

"Change Quotes (6530 Quotes)." Goodreads, Goodreads, https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/change.

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