My "The Lottery" (1948) By: Shirley Jackson" Essay

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Rosa Rodriguez

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20 November 2018

"The Lottery" (1948) By: Shirley Jackson"

    Did you know that 130.6 trillion dollars was spent in 2017, and out of that 80 billion dollars was spent on the lottery. One person on their own will spend about 207 dollars only on the lottery each year. When you see the word lottery thinking that it means a large amount of money will be won. That is not the case in Shirley Jackson's story "The Lottery". When they held the lottery each person picks a piece of paper from the box. Witch ever family gets the black dot is chosen, then the family put the slips they had back into the box. Afterwards each member of the family choose a slip from the box whoever gets the black dot is then killed by rocks. The lottery is not about money it is about death. The lottery is bad because they don't want to touch the box, Tessie's reaction, and the lottery is only held once a year. They have a lottery you choose a slip from a box. A family is chosen and then they do it again a a person in the family is chosen. The person from the family that was chosen is then killed

    The lottery is bad because the people didn't want to touch the black box. When the box is first mentioned at the start of the story they had kept their distance and were wary of the box. When Mr.Summers asked for help no one stepped up right away, "The villagers kept their distance, leaving a space between themselves and the stool, and when Mr.Summers said, "Some of you fellows want to give me a hand?" there was a hesitation before two men, Mr.Martin and his oldest son, Baxter, came forward...." (Jackson 1-2). At first no one knows why everyone is afraid of the box or why they hesitate, but there is a reason for them to be so. Later on the reason that the lottery is not an ordinary lottery, it is a lottery to see who is killed next. The people are afraid and hesitant of the box because their family might be chosen, and that they will be the one chosen. Finally, they are also worried that they will soon find out who is chosen in less than two hours which is the time that it takes for the lottery to be completed.

    You can see that the lottery is bad when you see Tessie's reaction to being chosen. When Tessie is chosen she is at first unresponsive and then she becomes hysterical. "Bill Hutchinson went over to his wife and forced the slip of paper out of her hand" (Jackson 6). By having to force the paper out of her hand you can see that she is unresponsive. She is also hysterical when her paper is chosen and the people began preparing. "Tessie Hutchinson was in the center of a cleared space by now, and she held out her hands desperately as the villagers moved in on her. "It isn't fair," she said. A stone hit her on the side of the head......"It isn't fair, it isn't right," Mrs.Hutchinson screamed, and then they were upon her." (Jackson 7). So not only is Tessie unresponsive, hysterical, she is also desperate. Tessie doesn't like the choice made, what is happening, or that she was the one chose because if it was someone else chosen she wouldn't be acting as she is.

    Lastly, the lottery is bad because it is only held once a year. And when it is held only once a year the people get ideas. They get ideas and worried because they are left stewing for a year wondering who is going to be chosen next. "The lottery took two days and had to be started on June 20th, but in this village, where there were only about three hundred people, the whole lottery took less than two hours, so it could begin at ten o'clock in the morning and still be through in time to allow the villagers to get home for noon dinner." (Jackson 1). Almost everyone is eager to get the lottery over and done with as quick as possible so they can go eat. You would think that people wouldn't want to murder someone but they don't really even react at all, they just go about it calmly and some urgency, but if they were the one to be chosen they would be having a totally different reaction.

    Did you know that 130.6 trillion dollars was spent in 2017, and out of that 80 billion dollars was spent on the lottery. One person on their own will spend about 207 dollars only on the lottery each year. Lotteries are not always happy and about spending money and winning money and in the case of Shirley Jackson's story "The Lottery" it is not happy, spending money on the lottery, or about winning money if you win the lottery. The lottery is not about money it is about death, therefore the lottery is bad because the people don't want to touch the box, Tessie's reaction, and the lottery is only held once per year. Not all lotteries are a good thing most of them are a good thing now, but today's lottery is nothing like there's, "My wife said to me: 'If you won the lottery, would you still love me?' I said: 'Of course I would. I'd miss you, but I'd still love you.' - Frank Carson" (Lottery Quotes n. pg.).

"Works Cited"


"Novel & Short Story PDFs." Google Docs, Google,

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------lot., A. "We Spend Billions on Lottery Tickets. Here's Where All That Money Goes." CNNMoney, Cable News Network,

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Google Search, Google, .

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Frank Carson Quotes." BrainyQuote, Xplore, .


"Hemingway Editor." Hemingway Editor, .

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Staff, EasyBib. "The Free Automatic Bibliography Composer." EasyBib, Chegg, 1 Jan. 2018, .


Google Search, Google, .


"Home." Home | Turnitin, .


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