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After eating dinner with her mother, Aina went up to her room and video called Lucy. She immediately answered, showing her mess of a room and her hair in pigtails. Aina laughed and teased her about her room, earning a huff from the blonde.

"So how did cleaning go? Any exciting things happen?"

"Yeah, I got dust in my eye."

Lucy loudly laughed before her head tilted.

"What are you wearing?"

Aina gasped and cursed herself for not changing.

"Oh, uh--"

"Isn't that your overall shorts? I thought your cousin had a date tonight."

"Oh yeah, she did! She just wasn't vibing with this outfit for tonight, so I decided to wear it because you made me remember how cute it is."

"What did she wear instead?"

"That baggy sweater and my good boots."

"Good choice!"

Aina nervously laughed and tried to change the topic of conversation. She asked about how work was, and Aina excitedly recalled the events of the day, joking about Frosch's escape attempt.

"Aww. That's so cute that he loves that guy so much. He should adopt him."

"He's only seventeen, Luce. And I'm pretty sure all of our parents would kill each one of us if we ever came home from work with a pet. They all made us promise that we wouldn't."

"That's no fun. Though I guess it's for the best. You're awfully attached to that bird."

"Blueberry? I love her!"

Lucy giggled and made a "see?" gesture before her phone buzzed. She did a double take at her screen and gasped. Lucy's phone screen was pressed against the camera on her laptop as she tried to get Aina to read what was on the screen.

"Lucy," she laughed, "I can't read it. You have it too close."

"It's from that guy in my math class. He just asked me out."

"Really? Over text?"

"What do I say?" Lucy shouted.

"Damn, I'm so glad he didn't do it in person now. You would've freaked out in front of the school."

"This is serious!"

"What's serious?" Levy asked after Aina added her in.

"Levy, you gotta help me!"


"That was too close. I can't believe I didn't change."

Aina groaned as she looked at the piles of homework she had to do. All her papers ended up scattered across the library table. She felt a quick kick to the leg of the table and looked up to see a grinning Natsu. He casually sat down and opened his notebook.

"You're doing homework again?"

"Nah," he laughed. "I've been doodling all day, see?"

Aina looked at the paper and squinted at it.

"Uh, is that a flower?"

"It's an elephant! How dare you."

She sweatdropped and apologized. After a few minutes of silence, Aina raised her head to look him in the eye.

"Why aren't you skipping to hang out with your friends?"

Natsu shrugged and simply explained, "Tests."

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