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Aina rolled her eyes and looked at Lucy expectantly. She grinned and sat next to her at the library table.

"And what are you doing in my free period, Heartfelia? You should be in class."

"Creative writing. I'm getting inspiration."

"Yeah? And how is a library gonna do that?"

Lucy leaned back in her seat and rested her head on Aina's shoulder. She let out a big sigh, and Aina could see that she closed her eyes.

"No way, Lucy. I have too much homework for you to take a nap."

They both heard a tap at the table, and looked up to see Natsu.

"Now I hope I'm not interrupting something," he teased, "but I need the salutatorian."

"For what?" Lucy pressed.

"Our health project."

"Nice try, asshole. You already presented."

"Oh did we?" Natsu countered, a huge smirk on his face. "I guess I didn't get the memo."

"I'm coming with you wherever you're going," she stated matter-of-factly. "You're an idiot if you think I'm gonna let you do anything inappropriate on school grounds. Or at all."

"Fine, fine. Keep her."

Natsu smirked again before stepping to the side and leaning down to whisper something in Aina's ear so Lucy couldn't hear. A second later, Aina's face turned a deep scarlet and her eyes went wide. He laughed lowly and slipped out of the library.

"What did he say?"


"Aina," she whined, "tell me!"

"No. I'm uh, good."


As usual, Natsu's biology period consisted of him asking to go to the bathroom and then not returning. He checked his phone and took in a deep breath.

"Man I'm way too tired for this today."

After a few minutes of debating, he decided to go to the mats by the drama room to nap. He sauntered through the empty hallways and sighed in relief when the room was quiet.

"Thank god. I would've hated to see someone going at it when I'm trying to nap--"

He saw a small figure curled up on the mats, sound asleep. He took a closer look and laughed.

"No fucking way."

He stepped closer and crouched down next to the figure before gently shaking. They shot up and frantically looked around.

"Now Miss Labelle, what on earth are you doing down here during class?"

Her eyes eventually focused on the pink haired figure staring at her. She realized that she was caught napping, which caused a blush to make its way onto her cheeks.

"I, uh, I'm just..."

"Aren't you supposed to be in journalism or something?"

"I was sleepy," she responded shyly.

He sat down on the mat beside her and continued to laugh.

"I mean he gave us the period off again, so it's not skipping."

"I think I'm a bad influence for you."

"That's okay," she quietly spoke as she scooted closer to him. "I don't mind."

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