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With her mother's work schedule changing, Aina had asked Natsu to switch their meeting place to his apartment for the time being.

"So what's in the diarrhea--"


"Whatever, sweetheart. Both make my stomach upset."

She groaned and leaned back on her hands.

"I'm way too tired for this," Natsu moaned.

"How can you be tired? You didn't show up for school until the third period."

"I've been up since five and I'm totally beat."

"Since five?"

Natsu yawned and laid on his back with his hands behind his head.

"That's what I said, sweetheart. Went to bed at four, woke up at five."

He could feel her stares at him, so he opened one of his eyes.

"Is this why you're always late to class? Because you walk over?"

"It's not like I would wanna be in that class anyway. Justine is a huge dick, treating everyone with favoritism and shit."

"He's not like that to--"

"To students who get good grades and go over the top for effort? Yeah, I noticed."

Aina got up to get a glass of water and stood against the wall as she watched him curiously.


"Why don't you like school?"

Natsu howled.

"Not everyone is like you, sweetheart. School brings me no joy. I'm only there to appease the courts."

"But wouldn't you be less stressed if you did the work though instead of always getting in trouble?"

"Yeah, okay sweetheart. Whatever you say."

"I'm serious! You might like school better if you--"

"Drop it."


"Mister Dragneel, can I ask why you're walking in the same minute that class ends?"

Natsu crossed his arms and turned around to glare at the clock and scolded it.

"Now have you learned nothing from our chats, Mister Clock? We had a deal."

A couple students laughed, but Mister Justine just scoffed and handed Natsu a detention slip.

"It's counting as a skip, Mister Dragneel."

"Now that's just not fair, teach," Natsu jokingly complained, "I was inside the room before the class ended."

Aina looked up at the clock and went back to Natsu to see that he had little drops of sweat on his neck and he was breathing a little heavy.


A loud sigh was heard from the back of the class. Everyone looked behind them to see that Natsu was leaning back in his chair with his textbook covering his face. The teacher stopped writing on the board and crossed her arms.

"Mister Dragneel, do you mind paying attention?"

"I can't afford to pay attention," Natsu commented without removing the book.

"Would you like a detention?"

Natsu took the book off his face and smirked.

"Only if I can stack them and turn them in for a prize. I already have two."

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