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"Hey Aina, come here for a sec."

Lucy and Levy looked at Aina in sheer confusion as the brunette girl was waved over to the most rambunctious group of guys in the school.

"What could he possibly want with you over there?"

"I have no idea."

"I bet it's to ask you out," Lucy snickered.

Aina's cheeks flared up and went to yell at her when Levy spoke up.

"Yeah, or help him cheat on the test we have next period."

Aina sighed and hesitantly walked over to Natsu and his friends.

"Hey you're the salutatorian," Loke teased. "Fancy meeting you here."

"We both go to this school," she said simply. "It's no surprise that you would see me here."

He laughed and patted the top of her head before waving Natsu off and walking down the hall. Aina looked at Natsu expectantly before he told her that they would be going over his place for the project.

"And that couldn't be said in a text or even when we met up after school?"

Natsu winked and turned away to walk down the hall when he called over his shoulder, "Just wanted to talk to you before then I guess."

She stood in the middle of the hallway with her mouth hung open before she turned back to her friends.

"What was that all about?"

Lucy laughed at Aina, "Someone has the hots for the salutatorian."

"That's not it at all."

"Oh?" Levy giggled. "Then what is it? Did you guys share your deepest secrets with each other?"

Aina blushed slightly and gave a small "not exactly" before waving it off and pulling them down the hallway to their test.


"So why did you insist on me coming over here this time? You hate working here."

"Yes but at least I have air conditioning. There's a heatwave going on."

He immediately pulled his shirt off and tossed it over in the corner before letting out a relieved breath and walking into the kitchen to get a drink. Aina trained her eyes on the window as he continued to walk around. He stopped and gave her a glass of water.

"You good?"

Aina blushed and forced a laugh and responded, "Of course I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be fine?"

Natsu looked at her weird for a second before shrugging it off and sitting down and leaning on his hands. He caught her staring at him and smirked.

He snickered, "Whatcha looking at, sweetheart?"

"N-nothing. I just didn't realize you had tattoos."

"These?" Natsu questioned as he laughed. "I've had these for years."

"Anyway, we should really get going on this project. Did you want to do head or body?"

Natsu laughed loudly, confusing Aina until she realized what she said.

"You know what I meant!"

He continued to laugh and laid all the way back.

"You can do the body. I'd hate to make you do head."

"I hate you," she mumbled.


"You don't seem to be complaining as much about your project," Lucy slyly mentioned.

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