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A knock was heard on the front door, and Kelia quickly went to answer it. She crossed her arms when she saw Natsu standing there.

"What have I told you about walking across town to get here? You're supposed to call me so I can pick you up."

"I'm coming from Melanie, so it wasn't too far a walk."

Kelia sighed and ushered him in.

"Aina won't be back for a couple more hours, so what--"

"Are you busy?"

"What's wrong?"

"I was, uh, wondering if you could, like take me over to one of my old homes."

"The one by your house?"

"No, uh, this one's about the same distance though."

"What do you need to go there for?"

"I have to take care of something."

"Natsu, what could you possibly need to take care of there?"

"I'm going to talk to them."

"Was this Melanie's idea?" Kelia asked, completely shocked.

"Well, uh, not exactly. But she did say I needed to confront them, and I think that it would be best face to face instead of like...a letter? Or something. I don't know."

Kelia breathed deeply and pinched her nose before grabbing her keys and motioning Natsu to the car. His face held a wide grin as he hopped in and quickly buckled himself.

"I don't think this is a great idea, but if it helps you then so be it."

Their ride was about thirty minutes, and they spoke about court and other responsibilities that Natsu had to take care of. When Kelia approached the exit, Natsu's whole body went stiff. Kelia looked over and sighed, noting that he acted the way that she anticipated.


"Uh, it's just that this place..."

"I understand. Now who are we going to see anyway?"

"Her name is Maria Hurnton."

"Which family is the Hurntons?"

Natsu stayed silent and looked out the window.

"Natsu, which one?"

"Uh, she was kinda the one that--"

He was cut off by the sudden stopping of the car. Kelia had pulled into a nearby parking lot and turned off the engine. Natsu went to say something when she interrupted.

"Are you saying that you seriously want to confront the woman that did all that to you?"


She sighed and turned the car back on, driving out of the parking lot and continuing towards the house.

"Take this left. The number is 81."

They arrived and parked in front of the house. Natsu's breathing had become shallow, and Kelia noticed that he was bouncing his leg rapidly.

"Are you going alone or do you want me to come with you?"

"I think I need to do this alone."

Kelia nodded and watched Natsu make it about halfway to the front door when he froze. He looked around and took in another deep breath before quickly stepping to the door. He knocked softly and waited, Kelia intently staring at the door. A woman in her 50s opened the door and leaned on the archway. A small chihuahua bolted outside and started jumping at Natsu's feet.

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