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"My dear salutatorian, do you think that you could help me with this secondary source?"

"Anything for you, my beautiful valedictorian."

"I really need a nickname or this whole dynamic is thrown off."

Aina and Levy giggled at Lucy's interjection and teased her. Levy continued to explain her problems with Neekis's source activity and Aina sat her down and took out her assignment sheet.

"It looks like all you have to do is--"

"Yo Aina, can you help me real quick?"

"Just give me a second, Sting."

"Whatcha guys doing?"

Aina quickly answered him, and a wide smile appeared on his face before he sat down across from Aina and tossed his source on the table in front of him. The salutatorian rolled her eyes playfully and explained the assignment to both of them.


Levy and Sting nodded their heads and put their stuff away. Sting leaned over to Aina's tray to take a chicken nugget, and his hand was swiftly swatted away by the brunette. He let out a 'tsk' and retracted his hand. There was a presence felt behind Aina and Levy as someone stood over them. Another hand came at Aina's tray, and that hand was also smacked away.

"No way, Natsu. It's chicken nugget day. Hands off."

"You're no fun, and to think I brought all these muffins."

Lucy's ears perked up at the mere mention, and her head shot up to look at the tray of corn muffins that Natsu held. She held out her hands expectantly and was met with a smug smile from the salmon haired student.

"Aina," Lucy seriously stated, "I think that giving him a chicken nugget would be a good idea."

"You just want the muffins."

"That's besides the point."

"Give him yours if you want the muffins so bad."

"I already ate mine!"

"It's true, sweetheart. You only have yours still because you're too busy doing homework to eat properly."

She grumbled and reluctantly held out her tray for him to take some food. Natsu and Lucy both smiled victoriously as the deal was made.

"Yo assholes! What're you two doing over there with the snorefests? Get your asses back here so we can talk about the plans."

At Gajeel's words, Natsu and Sting waved their goodbyes and chatted as they made their way back to their table.

"Dude why the fuck are you over there in the first place?"

Natsu held up his chicken nugget and dismissed, "I was getting some food, what else?"

Loke started to laugh and waved them all to sit down. They started to go over their plans and how they would sneak out unnoticed.

"We can go tomorrow during my chem period," Loke stated.

"Uh, actually," Natsu started, "I'm kinda busy then."

"Dude, it's your fucking free period. What could you possibly be doing?"

Gajeel snickered and turned to Bickslow to answer him, responding, "It's his alone time with the salutatorian."

Natsu rolled his eyes and punched Gajeel in the arm.

Loke spoke up again: "Don't even joke about that. Could you just imagine Justine's face if he found out his favorite student was involved with our little Natsu?"

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