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A/N: Hey y'all. Sorry for the delay. COVID really got me good.


Aina led Natsu inside her house after school, and whipped open the door to reveal a bunch of birthday decorations.

"Uhh...is this for me?"

"Well of course it is, Natsu!" Kelia exclaimed. "You only turn eighteen once."

He quickly scanned the room. Banners, colorful strings and balloons were scattered across the living room. His eyes landed back on the two that had bright smiles splitting their faces.

"You two are really weird," he stated matter-of-factly.

Both of them laughed before Aina tugged Natsu into the dining room where a bunch of food sat on the table. Natsu's mouth started watering when he looked at the fish and meat.

"We figured you would want a special dinner for your birthday, so I cooked what I thought you would like."

"Uh, thanks. You guys really didn't have to--"

"A friend of Aina's is family to me! So eat as much as you want."

After they ate, Aina rushed into the kitchen and returned holding a cake.

"I made it myself!" Aina proudly proclaimed. "It's marble because I didn't know which kind you like."

They all stuffed themselves further with cake before Kelia looked at the clock.

"Shoot! We were supposed to meet the insurance guy at his office tonight."

"Oh no. Do you think we can still make it?"

"Natsu dear, would you mind coming with us?"

"Uh, why?"

"Well the truth is that we've never really met him before, and we figured it would be dangerous to go if it was just two women that can't fight at all. I was hoping you could come just in case."

Natsu looked at her shocked before slowly nodding.

"Oh great. I'm so sorry to make you do this on your birthday. I'll make it up to you the next time you come over. I promise."

"Don't worry about it."

Kelia has elected Natsu for the front seat, stating that Aina could give it up for Natsu's birthday. The brunette laughed a bit before hopping into the back. Natsu stared at the passenger's seat for a minute before Kelia coaxed him inside the car.

"Don't worry, Natsu. I promise I won't bite."

He slowly got into the car, and shut the door. He seemed to be staying close to the door, slightly leaning up against it. Aina slipped her hand between the space at the right side of his seat and touched his hand while talking to her mom. Natsu took in a deep breath before taking her hand and holding it, earning a giggle in response.

"Hey mom, do you think he's gonna give us a new washing machine?"

"I doubt it. The warranty is up by now and our machine is completely broken."

They both groaned at the reminder. The sun had gone down, so it was darker out and the outside wasn't really recognizable. All Natsu saw was a bunch of trees that blurred as they darted away from them. He looked over to Kelia once more and then back out the window.

"So Natsu," Kelia started after noticing his look, "what are you gonna do tomorrow?"

"What's so special about tomorrow?"

"It's your first full day of being eighteen!"

"Oh, uh, nothing. School I guess."

"Hm. That's no fun."

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