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"You know, when I said that you would be doing homework I didn't mean me sitting by you the whole time."

"I can't do this."

"Come on Natsu."

"How the fuck am I supposed to keep all these in line? They all end in 'phase' and make no sense!" Natsu screamed in frustration.

Aina sighed and took the biology textbook out of Natsu's hands. She placed it off to the side and crawled closer to him so that her face was resting in the crook of his neck. Her nose brushed against his skin as she grabbed onto his shirt.

"What are you doing? Can't you see I'm busy."

Aina giggled and lightly pressed her lips to his skin.

"You're very forward lately."

"I guess you're rubbing off on me."

He shifted so he could look at her face and smirked. Before she could ask what he was thinking, Natsu tugged at her arm and pulled her over so she was sitting in the space between his outstretched legs on the floor.

"You're distracting me."

"Oh please, you weren't gonna do anything anyway."

He chuckled and leaned forward to kiss her cheek. A groan sounded as he looked at the scattered papers around the room.


"Did you get a letter?"

Natsu held up the insurance card as an answer. Kelia smiled and ushered him over to her office. He looked around at all the books and scanned the titles.

"Melanie has all these books."

"Well I guess most of them are the go to books for therapists. Now I found a website that you can go on to find a primary care doctor that takes your insurance. I'm sure Melanie already told you that she also accepts it."

He nodded and stepped over to Kelia's computer. She had told him to start glancing through the profiles so he could pick one, so she left to the living room while he did. She came back after a few minutes and saw him continuing to scroll.

"Found one?"

"There's like, way too many here."

"Let's help narrow it down. Are you more comfortable with a man or a woman?"

"Man," he almost too quickly responded.

Kelia filtered through them and continued her questions. They had eventually narrowed it down to five doctors.

"There you go. That should be a little less overwhelming to go through."

Once he picked out the doctor, Kelia showed him his online health portal so he could set up an appointment.

"Why do I need an appointment? I'm not sick."

"It's for a physical. Just as an introductory session."

"This isn't gonna be like Melanie's intro session, is it?"

"Probably not," she said before she tried to joke, "Melanie can seem a little intimidating at first, but she's a really great therapist."


"Natsu Dragneel, I'll be the nurse setting you up before the doctor gets here. It's very nice to meet you"

"Uh, yeah," Natsu said as he looked at the short woman. "You too."

She clipped his finger with the heart rate monitor and took his blood pressure, frowning when she looked at the information. She quickly typed in his results and turned back to him with a smile.

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