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"He totally cheated off me," Levy complained.

"Who?" Lucy questioned.

"Our dear salutatorian's favorite person in the whole world."

"Don't even joke about that, my sweet valedictorian."

"Hey do I get a nickname for being fifth?"

They all looked at each other and laughed.

"Hey valedictorian," Natsu called as he walked past the group, "thanks for the help!"

"Wow," Lucy breathed. "He's not even trying to be subtle about it."

"That's okay, Lucy. I don't mind."

"But you just seemed so upset."

Aina smiled and looked at her friend, slyly asking, "Did you happen to change the answers on him?"

Levy gave her a small smirk.


"Does he just...disappear throughout the day?" Aina asked, genuinely confused.

"What do you mean?"

"He came in right before the first period ended, he was at the next class for half the time. Then he disappeared and now he's sitting over there and having lunch."

"He probably hides in the bathroom and gets hammered."

"Hey guys, you'll never guess what I got!" Levy shouted as she ran over to them.

"What's up?"

Levy proudly held out a couple extra corn muffins on her tray. Lucy's eyes lit up and she quickly grabbed one.

"Leave it to you, Luce."

"You better be careful, Aina. I might just eat yours too if you keep it up."

"Nah, but I think I'll eat it."

The three of them looked on with wide eyes as Natsu reached over to the tray and grabbed the corn muffin. He gave a big smirk and waved them off.

"Thanks, sweetheart."

Lucy and Levy looked towards Aina and felt a threatening aura surround her.

"It's okay, A. I can ask the lady for another--"

"That's not the point!"


"Mister Dragneel, weclome," Mister Justine sarcastically spoke. "I was starting to think we wouldn't be graced with your presence today."

"Yeah I got it. I'm five minutes late. Just chill, teach."

"You are five minutes later than when you usually come in. Meaning there is less than ten minutes left in class now. You are very much more than 'five minutes late' and you know that."

Natsu smirked and sat in his seat in the back. He kicked his feet up on the empty desk beside him and leaned into his own so he was turned sideways.

"I would advise you to keep your feet off the desks. That is, unless you want detention."

"I mean, if my partner allows you to give it to me this time then I have no objections."

Natsu gave a side smirk to Aina. She glared back at him before turning away.


"Hey it's the valedictorian!" Loke shouted. "It's nice to see you around here."

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