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Said boy looked over his shoulder to see Aina standing right behind him.

"What's up?"

"You never got back to me last night. I thought you might have forgotten about me," Aina said, trying to joke.

Natsu shook his head and explained that he had been so exhausted from what he was doing that he ended up passing out. Aina asked if he was okay, and after a few minutes of trying to convince her that he was fine, she believed him.

"Are you busy during my journalism period?"

"Uh, let's see...that's my bio period, so no."

Aina rolled her eyes, but she smiled brightly. Natsu looked at her and asked her to continue explaining. The brunette looked shyly off to the side and held her fingers together.

"Well, um, I was thinking that we could maybe hang out?"

Natsu looked on in amusement and responded, "During class? Miss Labelle, are you skipping class?"

"No!" She quickly defended. "He said that there's not really anything we can do until we all get our stories edited, so he told us we could join the free period in the library."

Natsu leaned on the lockers behind him and laughed. The first period bell rang, and the halls cleared. He leaned down and pushed her hair on her shoulder to better cover up and smirked.

"Meet me by the tunnel."

"No way. There are rats in there."

The warning bell rang, and Aina looked up at the clock before grabbing Natsu and dragging him to their English class.

"Well Mister Dragneel, it seems you've blessed us again by being here. Though it looks like you didn't have much of a choice."

Aina rushed to her seat and pulled out her notebook, giving a quick look to Lucy in greeting. While the teacher was talking, Lucy leaned back in her chair and started to whisper to Aina.

"Hey A, you wanna join me for a dinner party tonight?"

"You're not dragging me into that, Luce."

She groaned and turned back to the front of the room. She glanced back moments later.

"Let me guess, you and Natsu are hanging out tonight? Is it a date?"

Aina frantically silenced her.

"I wanna come."


"No way, Lucy. You're not coming this time."

The two girls turned around to see Natsu glaring at the blonde.

"Oh? And why not?"

"Because if it's a date then you would need a date to come with us. And you don't."

"I can bring Levy."

Natsu huffed and leaned back in his chair, taking his notebook and putting it over his face.

"Mister Dragneel, please uncover your face."

"Nah I don't really feel like it."


"I can't believe I let you talk me into this."

"Well the drama room is being used right now, and you won't go outside the school. So this was the place that was left."

"It's so gross in here. Like, what even is that?"

Natsu followed Aina's finger to see an old serving of food.

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