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Aina looked over her shoulder and jumped when her face was a mere three inches from Natsu's.

"What do you think you're doing? You could've given me a heart attack."

Natsu ignored her lecture and continued, "So I was thinking that we could spend Saturday somewhere alone."

"Like where?"

"Somewhere without your friends," Natsu seriously stated.

Aina giggled and winked, teasing that she would keep it a secret.

"Great, so what about--"

"Dragneel, hurry up. Bicks broke into my car and now he has the whole case to himself."

Natsu started muttering under his breath, complaining about how he was always interrupted. Aina rolled her eyes.

"They're your friends, so you should be used to it by now."

"But every time?" His exasperated voice sounded.

He heard Loke call him again, so he stood up straight and snuck over towards the door to meet him.

"Just text me," Aina quietly spoke, catching him before he got out of earshot.


"Sorry I didn't answer earlier. I got sucked into homework and I completely forgot."

Natsu huffed and buckled himself in, closing the passenger door and turning so he was facing the windshield.

"So what was this plan?" Aina asked.

"I dunno. I just figured we could."

"How would you like to go to Richris for a little bit?"

Natsu froze and slowly looked over to her. He was met with her smiling face.

"Why would you wanna go there?"

Aina reached her right hand across the console and tangled her fingers with his.

"I think your dad is probably getting kinda lonely," was all she said before turning on the car.

Natsu looked at her intensely before looking out the window.

"You actually wanna go?"

"I mean why not? Besides, you've met my dad a few times and I only got to say hi to your dad twice. Not fair if you ask me."

Natsu let out a long breath and slightly squeezed her hand, causing a small smile to appear on her face.


"Hey, uh...what's up with your boyfriend today?"

Aina raised an eyebrow at Lucy and asked her to elaborate. Lucy simply pointed across the hall to see Natsu leaning against the lockers and scowling at his phone.

"He's been like that all day, A. What's up with him?"

"I don't know."

Aina's eyes stayed on Natsu, and when he looked up from his phone he made eye contact. They held their gaze for a couple seconds before Natsu pushed himself off the lockers and stalked down the crowded halls.

"What was that about, A?" Levy questioned, appearing behind her and Lucy.

Aina's eyes followed Natsu's figure until she lost sight of him. Her lips pressed together, and her fingers gripped the straps of her backpack.

"I don't know," she quietly repeated.


"Natsu?" Aina tested, approaching him at a table across from their usual one at the library.

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