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Friday came, and Aina silently thanks the gods for the week to be over. It wasn't as bad as she thought it would be, but it was still torture for being responsible for him all day. She would constantly have to prevent him from skipping and she cried when he would pull something stupid in class.

"Dragneel, it's nice to see you on time today. I'll be collecting homework in a few minutes, so I would suggest you quickly write down something to hand--"

Natsu smirked and handed him a fully done homework sheet.


"What's wrong, teach? Didn't think I could do homework?"

Mister Justine just looked at the boy dumbfounded before looking behind him to see Aina handing him her usual overly annotated and filled out homework sheet.

"How did you get him to...I don't wanna know."

Aina looked at him confused, but Natsu just scoffed and sat in the back.

"I hope you all are doing well with your projects..."

Natsu tapped Aina's shin with his foot and spoke to her as the teacher continued to talk.

"He totally almost shit himself."

"I told you, Natsu. The best way to shut people up is to play their game. Besides, this will improve your grade at the same time!"

He chuckled quietly and leaned back in his chair.

"Dragneel, don't you dare put your feet on my desks," the teacher warned.

Natsu pointed to his feet that we planted on the ground and shrugged as he coolly said, "I would never think of doing that to your furniture, Mister Justine."

The teacher looked even more shocked, but he coughed and continued speaking. Natsu sent a mischievous smile Aina's way. Class went by as usual, and the teacher gave the last twenty minutes to discuss the projects. They all got into their groups, and he would walk around to each one to check in. He reached Aina and Natsu and looked hopeless.

"And what did Aina come up with?"

"Actually Mister Justine, Natsu came up with the idea."


"Yeah teach. I even know what happens in Priest of the Flies. Quiz me."

"I'm not very hopeful when you called it that instead of Lord of the Flies."

Natsu rubbed the back of his head and grinned. The teacher asked to hear their plan and looked shocked to hear that it was actually planned out.

"Well, I guess I was right to put you two together. Well done, Aina."

Natsu started grumbling when Aina spoke up again, "You're right, Mister Justine. I've really learned a lot from working with Natsu."

The whole class looked at the salutatorian with wide eyes, shocked to hear her be so sarcastic to a teacher. Aina smiled sweetly and innocently to the point where the teacher had no other choice than to be convinced that she meant it in the best way.

"Damn sweetheart, you got some balls on you."


Natsu stretched across the library table and sighed.

"What's up with you?"

"I'm waiting and it's already been fifteen minutes into the period."

"Waiting for what? It's our free period."

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