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"I'm so not ready for this test," Lucy whined. "I'll never understand it."

"Don't worry, Luce. You'll definitely be fine. I know how hard you've worked on studying."

"Levy's right. I believe in you."

"You know what would really help me feel confident about this test?"

"Would it be, perhaps, a muffin?" Aina teased.

"Why yes it is, salutatorian."

Aina laughed and got up to go get her friend her good luck muffin. She passed by Natsu's table and started off towards the muffin station. The muffin lady rolled her eyes as Aina gave her money for three muffins.

The lady joked, "You know, you and your friends are what's keeping this station in business."

Aina smiled and took the muffins before waving off and returning to her table. Lucy held out her hand excitedly and sighed in content when she took her first bite of the muffin.

"Oh man, I can feel the psych info flowing right to my brain!"

Levy rolled her eyes and took a muffin from Aina. A low cough was heard behind them, and the trio turned around to see Natsu.

"What's up, Nastu?" Aina asked when she saw he wasn't saying anything.

"Uh, well I kinda need you for the project."

"But we finished it. And it's not due for another couple weeks, so we don't really need to practice at all."

"Yeah, uh, about that. You see, something happened with the diorama and--"

"What happened?"

"I just need your help."

"Oh my god. Let's go to the library. Hurry up."

Natsu went back to his table and grabbed his bag while Aina glared at him.


"It figures that he would somehow ruin this project. I knew that it wouldn't work out the moment I was paired with him."

"Just breathe, A."

She grabbed her bag, handed Lucy her muffin and started to follow Natsu back into the building. She glared at his back the entire time, but said nothing as they both walked in silence. He turned the corner to the hallway and stopped.

"I can't believe you would go and ruin our--"

She was cut off by Natsu holding one of her cheeks. She sent another glare towards him and tried to shake him off.

"Relax sweetheart. Nothing happened with the project."

Her anger subsided and was replaced by confusion.

"Then why did you say that something happened?"

She felt his thumb start to rub circles on her cheek. He chuckled before tilting her head upwards and connecting their lips. Aina leaned up on her toes and grasped his shirt to pull them to the same height. She pulled away and they stood in that position for a few seconds, both of them with their eyes closed. Natsu drifted closer to her again and kissed her softly again. When she came to, she stepped away and cleared her throat.

"So uh, anyway, I should probably get back to my friends. Lucy has a test that she's nervous about and I should really be there."


"Thanks for not ruining the project!"

She hopped back around the corner and returned outside to the table.

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