Chapter 1

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"Hmm so warm" Chaeyoung thought to herself, a small smile on her lips as she snuggled further down into the crinkled sheets, tugging at the blankets wrapped around her chest. The covers were strangely smooth and soft to the touch, they were folded in an odd way around her body. Grumbling and still groggy with sleep, she pulled at the blanket to cover shoulders properly, which were slightly chilled under the lazy whirring of the fan overhead. When the blankets moved in compliance she took in a deep breath and let out a content sigh.

Curling her body closer into the sheets, she frowned as the blankets were stripped away from her shoulders again, instead settling around her bare waist. Her fingers felt around and finally gripped at her source of warmth, which was laying heavily across her abdomen, making it slightly difficult to breathe. Frowning as her movements didn't bring the blankets up, she finally peeled open her heavy eyelids to try and discern where exactly the blankets were snagging.

Her deep brown eyes followed the path down her arms, slightly pale and bare, to where her fingers were gripped tightly around the blankets and something solid contained within. It was then she realised that she was naked. She never sleeps naked.

Blinking, confused, she raised the blanket, her pale stomach immediately growing cool without the blanket covering her bare skin. As her eyes focused, blurry from both sleep and leaving her contacts in over night, she felt her heart stop as she let out a small squeal, her entire body freezing as her fingers let go of the solid object that was previously engulfed by the blanket.

An arm... a fucking human arm.

"Oh my god!" She gasped quietly, her voice quivering as her breathing quickened, chest beating wildly as she glanced around the room. An unfamiliar ceiling greeted her, the smooth surface painted a dark green that was so different from the light blue walls and ceiling in her own bedroom. The dark wood fan spun around, wobbling slightly and making a creaking sound on every third blade, casting shadows across the room as it filtered out the light slipping into the room through drawn white curtains.

Posters of motorbikes and basketball teams were taped to the walls, the words in them too small to read, and across from the bed was a desk covered with anything and everything. A digital clock perched precariously on top of some old books blinked 01:47pm in red lettering. Clothes littered the room, some hanging off the desk's chair, others across the beanbag on the ground beside the window. There were some clothes strewn in a line from the door to the edge of the bed, ending with a pair of jeans draped across the foot of the bed.

Her jeans.

"Oh my god," she repeated again, voice croaky as the arm around her stomach moved, surprisingly ripped and strong muscle for such a little limb wrapping tightly around her middle. "This can't be happening. This can't be-" Chaeyoung's quiet voice was cut out by a loud groan followed by incoherent, sleep-riddled mumbling. A hot breath breath fanned at her temple, making her crinkle her nose in disgust at the stale scent of alcohol and cigarettes.

"Please tell me it's not someone I know... Or is it better that it is someone that I do know? Either way I'm absolutely fucked," She thought to herself, closing her eyes and praying silently as she turned her head to the left. The breath that had hit the side of her face a moment ago was now drifting across the skin of her nose. One breath... two breaths... three. As the figure exhaled, Chaeyoung opened her eyes sharply.

The first thing she saw were the plump, pink lips that were slightly parted and blowing on her face, a slither of straight white teeth peeking out from underneath. A sharp, chiseled jawline outlined the petite face. Chaeyoung's line of sight moved up to a little button nose, but at the same time it was also strong and defined. The nose was situated between smoothly round cheeks which rolled over defined cheekbones that caught the shadows of the warm weekend light, and scrunched up a little in annoyance as their arms pulled the Korean girl in closer, fingers pressing into the flesh of her hip. Even though this figure had their eyes closed, Chaeyoung knew exactly what colour they were.

Sheets | Chaelisa convertedWhere stories live. Discover now