Chapter 31

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After snuggling for a little in Lisa's car and talking about how Jisoo is not so fond of her - which made Lisa frown noticeably until Chaeyoung stressed that she didn't think the same way - Lisa finally drove the rest of the way to school, parking the car in one of the spots closest to the door. In plain sight, the two of them were not difficult to spot by students walking into the school building, the stares of people passing by poking at Chaeyoung's back. Unlike the other day, she was too preoccupied with trying to manoeuvre her crutches without stumbling to care about the stares.

As she gestured for Lisa to give her backpack to her, Lisa just snorted and swatted her hand away. Instead Lisa carried it in her left arm as her right helped Chaeyoung hobble up the steps to the school. With Lisa's help, it didn't take her an embarrassingly long time to reach her locker. Shoving her things inside and grabbing the books she needed, Lisa did not let her carry anything despite her whining, and just snatched all of the books from her hands. As Chaeyoung opened her mouth to complain again, Lisa just sent her a fiery glare, stubborn in her quest to not let her carry anything. Giving up, she just let Lisa hold onto her things, despite having to go to a different class - not that Lisa was planning on attending, anyway.

"Lisa, people are just going to spread weird rumours about me again, you know?"Chaeyoung sighed, shakily wobbling to her class as Lisa carefully stuck by her side, holding her books. Glancing around at the hallways, people were unashamed in their staring, probably wondering why Lisa Manoban was holding her books for her. Lisa just raised a brow curiously.

"What rumours?" Lisa asked, and Chaeyoung scoffed.

"You haven't heard them?" she asked incredulously, Lisa shaking her head.

"I never really cared for rumours," Lisa said, shrugging again. Laughing at her nonchalance, Chaeyoung began to list out the weird rumours about herself that she had heard floating around.

"Some people think you made me your slave, buying you cigarettes and things when you were too lazy to do it yourself," she said, chuckling. "Another one was that I was initiated into your 'gang'." As she said this, Lisa let out a snort, her eyes crinkling as she laughed.

"I'm not sure what gang they're talking about, but you? In a gang? I'd honestly pay to see that," Lisa said, snickering. "Any other rumours?"

"Yeah, but this one is kind of true," she said, giving Lisa a mischievous grin. "People have been saying that you force me to do your homework for you since you're failing."

"Pfft," Lisa said, waving away the rumour, her nose crinkling like she smelled something bad. "I never did that."

"Oh, reaaally, Lisa?" Chaeyoung drawled, wiggling her brow. "I happen to remember a certain bio project..."

"Hey, I recall opening up my home to you for that project. Not to mention my wardrobe. The top shelf smelled like beans for a few days after that, you know. Even got a little mouldy," Lisa said, shivering. Seeing Chaeyoung's shoulders shaking as she tried not to laugh, Lisa cracked a smile, running her fingers through Chaeyoung's hair. "Yeah, okay, that last one is kind of true."

"Ah, so honest," she mused, mimicking something that Lisa always teased her about. Lisa's smile grew wider at the words, the two of them laughing as they walked down the hallway. As they made it to Chaeyoung's classroom, Lisa was about to walk in to help her carry her books, but was stopped by Jennie, who was speed walking down the hallway to avoid being late.

"Chae wait up!" Jennie called out, waving a hand frantically. Lisa gave Jennie an amused look as Jennie's face grew nearer, her eyes noticeably widening as she saw Lisa standing beside Chaeyoung. Her feet screeched to a stop as she tentatively looked up at Lisa, gulping.

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