Chapter 47

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"Good morning," Bell chirped, making Chaeyoung stop in her tracks. The elderly woman glanced up from where she was flipping pancakes, giving Chaeyoung a small smile as her eyes crinkled in the corners. Bell hadn't been home the night before - on a date with someone from her lawn bowls club according to Lisa - so seeing her this morning immediately slapped the consciousness out of Chaeyoung's head. Bell chuckled with amusement as she stood there, limbs frozen stiff and mouth open wide. "Come now, don't be shy, honey. Take a seat, the pancakes should be ready soon."

"O-Okay," Chaeyoung said, hastily taking a seat at the kitchen counter. Glancing down at her clothes, she grimaced, cheeks heating in embarrassment. Without any of her own clothes, Chaeyoung had borrowed some of Lisa's, and the over-sized fit of them made it glaringly obvious. Peeking up at Bell, who had since turned back to focus on her sizzling blueberry pancakes, she fiddled with the hem of Lisa's hoodie, feeling the need to say something.

"U-Um, thank you for letting me stay here all the time," she stammered, kicking herself under the table at the shaky rhythm of her words. Bell turned back to her again, nodding happily.

"Oh, no thanks is necessary! Lalisa always seems happier when you're here, so I'm happy that you keep her company," Bell said, lips quirking up as she looked Chaeyoung up and down, her grin only widening. "Hopefully my Lalisa makes you happy too?"

"She does!" Chaeyoung squeaked out, nodding a little too enthusiastically. Bell let out another laugh at the response, seemingly pleased.

"Good! Oh, but I can't believe she's still in her room sleeping while you're already up and about! She should be preparing refreshments for you," Bell said, clicking her tongue. Smiling a little at the memory of Bell scolding Lisa all those months ago for not offering her refreshments when she visited, Chaeyoung found herself relaxing in her seat as Bell muttered something to herself about Lisa's lack of hospitality.

"It's alright, she needs her rest," Chaeyoung said, Bell giving her a sly look over her shoulder.

"Oh? Was she busy with something last night?" Bell asked, her mouth twitching as she tried to suppress her grin. Immediately grasping Bell's meaning, Chaeyoung's breath became lodged in her throat, causing her to cough. Covering her heated face with her hands, she tried to look anywhere but at the woman whose shoulders were now shaking with amusement.

Oh, she definitely knows why Lisa was busy last night.

"Talking! We were just talking. About things. You know, important things," Chaeyoung frantically said, chuckling pathetically.

At the words, which were clearly lies, Bell just hummed and nodded, her mannerisms so much like her granddaughter's. Her hands were nimble as she swept the pancakes onto a plate, garnishing the sides with some sliced fruit. Gingerly stepping towards Chaeyoung, sliding the plate across the counter along with a bottle of syrup, Bell cleared her throat.

"Chaeyoung, I don't mean to overstep, but Lisa told me a little about your situation..." Bell said, giving the girl a warm yet sad look, resting her hand on Chaeyoung's.

"Oh," she replied awkwardly, throat scratching.

"I don't know if Lisa's told you, but she... she can probably relate a lot more than you think," Bell said, squeezing her hand. "Her parents..."

"She... she told me, about her parents," Chaeyoung said softly, Bell's eyes widening in surprise. She seemed genuinely shocked for a moment, head tilting to the side as she looked at the younger girl in wonderment.

"She did?" Bell asked, head shifting to lean towards the other side. Chaeyoung nodded again, answering her question, but only made her blink a few more times. After thinking through things for a few more silent moments, Bell pulled Chaeyoung's fragile hand up softly, bringing her other hand to clasp it tightly. Her eyes seemed to sparkle - with tears or amazement, the Korean girl couldn't quite tell. "She must really treasure you then. I'm glad."

Sheets | Chaelisa convertedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ