Chapter 18

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"Lalisa, if you have a friend coming over you can't just stay in bed," Bell scolded as Lisa and Chaeyoung walked into the kitchen. Bell gave her an apologetic look, before turning back to Lisa with a frown. "And aren't you going to offer her something to drink? She'll think you were raised by a cretin or something."

"Yeah, yeah," Lisa said, giving her grandma a kiss on the top of her head as she let out a breath, murmuring something under her breath, though her mouth quirked as Lisa pulled her into a hug. Chaeyoung could only watch with curiosity as Lisa released her grandma, something about the way she carried herself different from her usual self. She seemed... relaxed. Open. Warm.

It was nice.

"Don't 'yeah, yeah' me, little miss," Bell said, hitting Lisa's side as she turned to Chaeyoung. "And Chaeyoung, dear, it was lovely meeting you but I'm running late for my pottery class. Do come again another day, I would love to chat with you properly. Over refreshments." Bell's last words were stressed as she gave Lisa a look, the girl snorting as Chaeyoung covered her laugh with her hand. Bell soon left, leaving her and Lisa in the kitchen once again. She ran her finger over the stone surface of the kitchen island, remembering how just a few weeks ago she and Lisa had sat here, in a situation far different from the one they were in now. What had felt like an unfamiliar, daunting space had changed at some point, though she couldn't exactly pinpoint when.

"So, you're not going to offer me something to drink, Lalisa?" she asked, smirking a little as Lisa just shook her head, an amused smile on her face.

"We're going to head out in a second anyway," Lisa said, and Chaeyoung tilted her head to the side, confused. "What? You thought we were just going to lounge around here all day?"

"Honestly? Yeah, kind of," she admitted, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly.

"If you want to just stay in, I don't mind. I can think of... plenty of things we could do here," Lisa said, smirk deepening as her eyes looked Chaeyoung up and down once, the movement of her doe eyes saying everything her lips hinted at. Chaeyoung's ears grew hot as she shook her head, pulling the strap of her shoulder bag over her shoulder. .

"Nope, let's go out," she said hurriedly, Lisa laughing as she opened the fridge. The brunette rummaged around for a few moments, before pulling out a few pre-prepared containers and a bottle of iced tea. "What's that for?"

"Food, to eat," Lisa replied simply, leaning back to look at her from behind the open refrigerator door. "Behind you in the bottom cupboard should be a picnic basket. Grab it for me?"

Listening to Lisa, she searched around the cupboards until she found a bright green picnic basket.

"This one?" she asked, Lisa nodding.

"Yeah, just put it on the counter there." It took Lisa a few minutes to load everything that she wanted to into the basket, closing the latch on the top when she was done. Picking up the basket and grabbing her car keys from the tray on the counter, Lisa jerked her head towards the door as she walked past.

"Where are we going?" Chaeyoung asked as Lisa loaded up the basket into the backseat of her car. Sliding into the passenger seat, Lisa just gave her a secretive smile as she pulled out of the driveway. "Seriously, Lisa. You're not going to take me into the forest or something, fatten me up and then kill me, right?"

"Fatten, yes. Kill, maybe," Lisa replied teasingly, making her roll her eyes. After a moment's silence, Lisa spoke again. "We're going to a place with a really nice view of the city. Calm down, Chae."

"Good, I'm too young to die," she said, trying to hide the grin that tugged at her lips. Lisa laughed, the sound rough but light, her eyes crinkling and lips shaking. The rest of the car ride was uneventful, Lisa rolling down the window to get a wash of the cool breeze that burst through. The suburban landscape slowly began to bleed away into concrete buildings spotted with colourful graffiti, the sidewalk becoming more barren and the building more decrepit. Chaeyoung gulped as the midday sun was obscured behind the grey buildings, and hastily rolled up the window on her side.

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