Chapter 9

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She usually showed up to class early, but this time, she made it through the doors of the biology lab at the last second, just before the clock ticked over the hour. Ms. Levenson looked at her, surprised at her almost-tardiness, but didn't say anything as Chaeyoung looked at the room, Lisa not there. Chaeyoung sat at her usual seat at the front, Ms. Levenson cleared her throat as she walked over to the whiteboard, pen squeaking.

"Today we're continuing on with plant reproduction," Ms. Levenson said, rolling her eyes as there were a few snickers from the back of the classroom. "Yes, yes, reproduction. Get all of your immature laughter out now." Ms. Levenson sighed as giggles ensued. Then, the classroom door opened with a loud bang as the hinges swung wildly, everyone going quiet. Chaeyoung didn't have to look up to see who was standing there, her body tensed immediately.

"Late again, Miss. Manoban," Ms. Levenson said coldly.


Chaeyoung didn't look up from her books as she heard Lisa's shoes slap against the ground, cursing silently as the chair beside her screeched. The empty space next to her was soon filled with Lisa's long body, the smell of cigarette smoke and her familiar natural smell assaulting the other girl. She felt Lisa look down at her, eyes trailing a blaze down her face to her arm and to her hand. Lisa let out a curt noise when she saw Chaeyoung's bruised knuckles, who immediately shoved her hand under the table and out of sight.

She could barely pay attention to the lesson, Ms. Levenson's voice drifting in and out as she tried not to think about Lisa's body next to her, though the more she tried not to think about it the more it invaded her mind.

"Now, go to chapter 14 and answer the sample questions there. We'll go through the answers at the end of class, and I'll be picking random people to answer them so you all better work." A chorus of groans erupted and Ms. Levenson smiled with satisfaction, walking back to her desk after pushing up her glasses. Chaeyoung didn't notice the wary glance the teacher gave Lisa as she walked past and cracked open her textbook to the right page.

"I don't have a textbook," She heard Lisa say next to her, the younger girls body moving a little closer, making Chaeyoung flinch.

"So?" Chaeyoung replied, forcing her voice to stay steady, though it only came out sounding strained. She felt Lisa sigh next to her, her hand reaching out to pull the textbook closer towards her as she shuffled her chair closer, hip brushing against Chaeyoung's."What are you doing?" she hissed at Lisa under hr breath, glancing around the room as Lisa just smirked. As she thought, people were watching them with beady eyes. A few people had the decency to pretend they weren't looking, peering occasionally from behind their books. Others were just blatantly staring, textbooks not even open as they found the two girls far more interesting than plant reproduction. Chaeyoung felt Jackson's cool gaze on her back, his mouth set into a deep scowl as he chewed loudly on his gum.

"You can at least share your book with me after you punched me in the face," Lisa said, and Chaeyoung tensed, giving her a fearful look. Lisa just looked at her, a small smile on her face as she pointed to the richly-coloured bruise on her face. "It really hurts, you know. Had to ice it for the rest of the weekend. You also cut my lip, it was bleeding for-fucking-ever. I think you may have knocked a tooth loose as well... where is it... oh yeah, there it is. I think it's about to come out..."

"Please stop," she pleaded, Lisa chuckling as Chaeyoung lowered her head, biting her lip nervously. Covering her eyes with her hands, pressing on them until she saw red spots, Lisa spoke beside her again, voice a little softer.

"No one's ever punched me after sleeping with me," Lisa whispered softly enough so only Chaeyoung could hear, who let out a choked noise and turned to face her. "Bit and scratched maybe, but never punched. It was kind of exciting."

Sheets | Chaelisa convertedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora