Chapter 34

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"You're hanging out with Jennie today, right?" Lisa asked, yawning at the end of her sentence. Laughing at the tired voice wafting through the phone, Chaeyoung hummed out a 'yes' as she leaned over the bathroom counter, spitting out her mouthful of toothpaste. Splashing water over her face and smoothing down a few wayward tufts of hair, quickly got changed as she listened to Lisa begin to drift back to sleep. After working the night shift at the bar last night, Lisa was exhausted, but still managed to call Chaeyoung around the time she woke up. Remembering Lisa's groggy voice hitting her still half-asleep ears, her stomach tightened and a grin crept its way onto her face.

"Go back to sleep, Lisa," Chaeyoung urged gently, Lisa grumbling something sleepily, the sound of her sheets rustling.

"Mm-hm," Lisa sighed, a slight blush splashing across Chaeyoung's face as she held the phone close to her ear, Lisa's relaxed, sleep-coated breath right beside her. "Have fun with Jennie, Chaeng. I'll see you later."

"Yeah, see you later," Chaeyoung echoed, hanging up the phone. As much as she wanted to spend all day with Lisa today, she had started to neglect Jennie just a little, but for some reason Jennie wasn't pestering her to keep her company like she usually did during the holidays. It was a little strange, since Jennie is usually always knocking on her door unexpectedly during the holidays forcing them to hang out together, yet this time she had only mildly made plans with Chaeyoung over the phone. She would be lying if she wasn't a little concerned, but when they talked nothing seemed amiss. When she did see her, she was the same old Jennie.

It didn't take her long to bus to Jennie's place, and when she got there she found that the front door was already open and waiting for her, as always. Walking in and locking the door behind her, she kicked her shoes off and walked upstairs and into Jennie's bedroom, not bothering to knock. When she walked in, her mouth immediately dropped open. Expecting to see Jennie either passed out on the bed or splayed out with her phone in her hand hand, Chaeyoung was surprised to see instead that Jennie was half buried under a pile of seemingly unwashed clothes, a distraught expression on her face. When Jennie saw her, she immediately threw a large bag at her face.

"Throw anything that smells like it hasn't been washed in the last 2 months in here," Jennie ordered, a faded T-shirt that was mysteriously damp hurtling towards Chaeyoung's face straight after. Clumsily dodging the projectile, she gave Jennie an unamused look and Jennie let out a 'tsk' under her breath, sniffing another shirt before crinkling her nose.

"Did you just invite me over to help you with your chores?" Chaeyoung asked incredulously, shaking the bag in my hand. "Really, Jennie?"

"Of course not," Jennie said, waving away the words as her lips curled up in a cheeky grin. "I just wanted to enjoy your company. And it so happens that I can enjoy it while we clean my room."

"I hate you," Chaeyoung said flatly, Jennie cupping her own chin as she wiggled her fingers, lashes fluttering.

"And I looooove you too," Jennie sung jokingly, making Chaeyoung throw a discarded pair of jeans at her face.

"Gross," Chaeyoung said, rolling her eyes slightly. Jennie's smile dropped slightly as she tilted her head to the side, staring with a tight expression on her face. Raising a brow, Chaeyoung returned the odd gaze with a questioning look.

Shaking her head, Jennie rummaged around on the ground, throwing the other girl a single, stained sock.

"Nah, I was just trying to figure out how long that hoodie's been unwashed for. I think it's been less than a month so it should be fine," Jennie said, shrugging emphatically. Giving an incredulous sigh, Chaeyoung picked up the hoodie she was gesturing too from the back rest of the desk chair, stuffing it into the laundry bag.

Sheets | Chaelisa convertedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя