Chapter 36

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"Dense?" Chaeyoung asked, pushing against Lisa's chest, though it took all of her strength to move far away enough to just see Lisa's face. Surprisingly, there was a soft smile there, though her eyes may have glimmered with a little disappointment, making Chaeyoung's stomach roll.

"Super dense," Lisa said, bumping their foreheads together. "You know, you're supposed to be really smart, but sometimes I swear you're stupid as hell."

"Says the one who repeated a year!" She retorted, her pride a little bruised after Lisa's jab. "And who was it that wrote our whole bio report that got an A+ from Ms. Levenson? Definitely not you!"

"Hey, hey, I'm not saying that you're, you know, academically dumb," Lisa said, pinching Chaeyoung's sides affectionately. "Just think about something for a second, baby."


Dropping that single word silenced Chaeyoung, her head spinning.

Baby, baby, baby. She's said it three times now. Slipping it once is an accident, twice is a joke. Three times?

Lisa chuckled at Chaeyoung's reaction, snapping her out of her daze. Clearing her throat, Chaeyoung frowned as she peered up at Lisa, who had started rubbing lazy circles with her thumbs at Chaeyoung's hip.

"Th-Think about what?" she asked, Lisa laughing.

"So we've had sex," Lisa said bluntly, making the other girl choke on air. "Multiple times."

"Y-Yeah?" she replied, averting her gaze from Lisa's, cheeks flaming.

"And we've been on dates," Lisa continued.

"Mmhmm we have"

"And tell me have you ever seen me driving people to school before?"

Have I?

To be honest... Chaeyoung never really seen Lisa at school before in the first place. It's only this year that Lisa's been attending properly, and for a lot of that she has been the one to drive Chaeyoung to school.

"I don't think so," she replied, voice weak and unsure. Lisa didn't say anything, and just smiled as she pressed a small kiss to the corner of Chaeyoung's mouth.

"And who do I always call the moment I wake up? Who do I let drag me out of bed at ungodly hours in the morning, even when I just want to sleep? And who did I punch one of my close friends for?"


"Chaeyoung Park," Lisa said, leaning in close as her voice dropped to a mere whisper.

"Yes?" Chaeyoung breathed back in kind, vision growing glossy again as Lisa kissed the other corner of her mouth, lips lingering as she asked a final question.

"Who do you think that is?"

"I think it's me," Chaeyoung choked out, Lisa chuckling as she kissed her square on the lips, humming in satisfaction.

"Don't just think, idiot," Lisa laughed, pulling the smaller girls body up so she was sitting on the counter, arms wrapped around Lisa's neck and legs around her middle. Looking up at Chaeyoung now, Lisa peppered kisses over her face.


"Baby," Lisa said, the expression her face telling Chaeyoung that she knew exactly what that name did to her "I like you. I like you a whole lot. I really, really fucking like you," Lisa smiled at her own words, looking Chaeyoung in the eye as she gently cupped the Korean girls face. "Chaeyoung, I love you."

Love me. She loves me. Lisa Manoban loves me. Lisa-fucking-Manoban actually...


Sheets | Chaelisa convertedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن