Chapter 45

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A few days had passed since Chaeyoung's suspension. While the storm had passed, the aftermath it left in its wake was still a sore wound. As the weekend passed, Jisoo was basically a watchdog, making sure that Chaeyoung couldn't leave home since, not only was she suspended, she was also grounded. In those two days, since Lisa used her newfound freedom to work without worries, Chaeyoung focused on powering through the class content for the next week. However, as Monday rolled by, her momentary enthusiasm to study had fizzled out.

Even though spring had begun, the days were still cold. Not finding it appropriate to turn on the heating during the spring despite the chill, Chaeyoung sat on her bed wrapped up in her blankets, eyes drifting in and out of her English literary text. The small black words were blurred as she struggled to maintain her concentration, a plethora or other things on her mind.

Groaning and her last thread of patients snapping, Chaeyoung threw her book across the room, the wad of paper slapping against the edge of her desk and onto the floor. Pulling out her phone, she flicked through Jennie's messages, her friend messaging her every ten minutes complaining about how school is absolutely shit and that she contemplating starting a fight to get suspended alongside Chaeyoung. Though in jest, Jennie's words still warmed Chaeyoung's heart, her implied intention clear.

Lying on her bed, mind listless but body flaccid, she scrolled aimlessly through her phone. Since it was still early in the day, she was sure that Lisa was still resting, especially since she worked a late shift at the bar last night. Chaeyoung's heart fluttered when she saw Lisa's latest message, which was sent long after she had fallen asleep last night.

Lisa - 2:57am
Im home, baby
Good night
I love you

Smiling to herself, Chaeyoung tenderly stroked her finger across Lisa's last words, longing in her belly. Rolling onto her stomach, she began typing a response to Lisa, but was interrupted by four successive knocks on her door.

Knock. Knock, knock, knock.

"Chaeng, we need to talk." Jisoo's voice was crisp even through the door, and Chaeyoung swallowed nervously, unable to respond to her. It would be a lie to say that she hadn't been actively avoiding the rest of her family over the weekend. Luckily, Claire's shifts often meant that when she was home she was busy catching up on sleep, and Jisoo had work on weekends so she was out of the house for most of the day. Unfortunately, on a Monday, Jisoo didn't have any morning classes. Considering it was still only around 8 o'clock in the morning, Chaeyoung was surprised that Jisoo was awake.

If she's awake, then it must be serious.

Clearly irritated by the lack of a response, there were a series of aggressive knocks against Chaeyoung's door and a muttered string of profanities.

"Chaeyoung, come on, we need to talk. I'll wait for you in the lounge room." With that, she heard Jisoo's footsteps trickle down the staircase, until it was silent again. Thick dread swelled inside her, teeth gnawing at her lip. Inhaling deeply and shakily, she grabbed her phone and pulled on a jumper, somehow wanting it to protect her from Jisoo's barbed words that were sure to come.

Walking down, the house felt colder than it used to. The blinds were still drawn, apart from one in the living room. Jisoo sat on an arm chair by the window, the sunlight hitting her naturally brown locks and turning them auburn. The sunlight cast shadows on her angular face, which was pinched tight as she waited for Chaeyoung. Sensing her sister approach, Jisoo jerked her head towards the couch across from where she sat.

Tentatively lowering herself onto the chair, Jisoo didn't hesitate before speaking, eyes sharp.

"Chaeng, what's going on with you?" Jisoo asked, her tone cutting into Chaeyoung's skin. Leaning forward, elbows on her thighs, her sister narrowed her eyes and stared at her unblinkingly. Though they shared the same eye colour, Jisoo's eyes were far more intense than Chaeyoung's, clear and unrelenting.

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